

Tuesday, 18 January 2022

Digging Out

 We got about 40 cms. of snow overnight on Sunday and well into Monday, although in places it was more like 50cms. with the drifts. The wind was pretty wild. I have been digging and snow blowing off and on all day and have managed to clear half way down my driveway. Now my back is stiffening up so I just hope I am up to more shoveling tomorrow. Luckily I am well stocked up with staples so don't need to go anywhere.

   Everything was at a standstill with abandoned cars blocking the major routes. You'd think people would have realized getting out on the roads was a bad idea! Even the snow ploughs were stuck. Schools were closed for a second day which is the first time in my memory.

Digging a path for the mailman! The newspaper only made it half way up the driveway but at least it was delivered today. 

My snowblower was well used today although I had to recharge it twice. It's really not big enough to handle this amount of snow so I had to shovel off the top half first! The snow plough has been around our street twice so now there is a huge barrier across the end of my driveway (known as a windrow). Daughter has promised to come by after work tomorrow to help me get that cleared.
   I got the Wordle word in four tries today so am on a winning streak!


  1. I am beginning to understand why snow isn't all it's cracked up to be! It does look pretty, though.
    I got my wordle in 4 today, too.

    1. It's supposed to be rain and snow tomorrow which will be a nightmare!

  2. It took me 6 tries today for wordle!

  3. Oh yes - the wordle word is the same one for everyone each day. It changes every 24 hours.

    1. I'm surprised it is. I never go online until the evening so do it first before I check with my blogs or e-mail.

  4. That's an awful lot of snow to have to move - well done!

    1. Had to stop today as my heart was pounding. It's lifting the shovel full of snow over the snow bank that's the hardest part.

  5. Three cheers for the snowblower & more cheers for your Wordle success. I've seen online where the snowplough helps folks with the pile at the end of the driveway ... we've never had that kind of help from our driver; that's nice of your daughter to come by & help.

    1. Yes, she managed to clear the lower portion of the driveway and I now can get in and out. They do come after the plough and take a swipe at the windrow but it's very haphazard, often makes things worse!

  6. Got it in 5 this morning. Only the second time playing!

  7. Well done! It took me 5 as well today but I think I am getting the hang of it.

  8. I haven't gotten into Wordle yet. I just may have to check it out.

    I am glad that you were able to dig yourself out. We have more snow coming here for the weekend (perhaps even some freezing rain first on Friday...hope not as we take Harvey's truck in to be serviced in the morning), not as much as you got but added in to what we have had probably pretty darn close.

    God bless.

  9. I hope you are taking care doing all that snow removal, I have done my share in the past, it is hard work.
    I started doing Wordle a couple days ago, have not done todays yet.

  10. Oh my, that looks like a lot of work. I bet the snowblower wasn't the only thing needing a recharge. I do hope you paced yourself carefully.
