

Saturday, 4 May 2019


    I have been so lazy, not posting for a week but, in my defense, it has been a busy one. Only one night at home since last Tuesday!

   Monday and Wednesday were dance groups, Thursday I was an usher at Markham Little Theatre's production of "Skin Flicks", and Friday was a marathon session at the tennis club to  prepare for today's Opening Social. It was and wasn't a great success, mainly because of the inclement weather, but it dried up enough by noon for people to get on the courts, and there's always a good turnout when free food is on offer!

   Despite going out last night, I stirred myself sufficiently to make a chicken pot pie. Last Sunday's roast bird was still lingering in the fridge so it didn't take much imagination and effort to turn it into this:

I had it with my homemade pickled beetroot. It was delicious!

There's enough left over for tonight and possibly tomorrow's dinner.



  1. Oh yummy looking pot pie. I hope free food is a draw, our church has a free pot luck lunch after yard clean up :)

    1. We had 56 people for lunch - we had hamburgers, sausages and salads. All went home well fed.

  2. Replies
    1. It was and lasted me three meals. But I will be glad to be eating something different tomorrow!

  3. looks yummy! (p.s., I'm back to blogging, and at my old blogger site: )
