

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Trying To Be Careful

   Lunch out today - it was very nice, poached salmon and lots of vegetables. I benefitted by having at my table several people who don't like roasted red peppers. I love them so they were passed over! There were also carrots and green beans so quite healthy. No bread and only a couple of baby potatoes, so I was very good. 

    We had a fashion show after the lunch (outfits from Lady Sophisticate) and I was one of the models. Lots of fun picking out the ensembles last week and lots of compliments on all of mine. However, they were rather expensive so, much as I would have liked to purchase one in particular, I had to settle for a rather fancy T-shirt. I know several people bought outfits so the store owner did quite well.

   I have taken a few shrimp from the freezer for dinner as I won't need a big meal. I will cook then in garlic butter with a spritz of lemon and have them in a salad with avocado. Should be delicious!


  1. What fun being a model in the fashion show. I would have thought the store owner would have given a discount to the models :(
    Your lunch selection & dinner choices all sound yummy & I'm with you on roasted red peppers.

    1. There was a 20% discount for all purchases made during the lunch. Sill expensive though.

  2. Your post brought back memories of when I had a dress shop years ago and each year we had a fashion show in the village hall - we used local girls for the models and the place was always packed to the door and some had to stand. I was so nervous doing the talk through each garment as I was only 24 at the time. We made enormous sales afterwards and had a huge rise in new customers, I found I couldn't make enough stock even with all our outworkers going at full steam.

    1. Clothes always look better on an actual person as opposed to hanging on a rack. Plus we had nice accessories!
