

Tuesday 23 April 2019

Huge Embarrasment

  I arrived at dance class last night in plenty of time, only to realize I had left my CD player at home! Luckily one of the dancers plays for our monthly dances so he kindly accompanied the first few dances on a rather out-of-tune piano. While the rest had their tea break (rather a lengthy one) I scurried home for my CD player so we had the last few dances with the proper music and Don got to dance as well. Other than that the evening went off quite well and we did manage 7 new (to some) dances.

   Today was cleanup day at the tennis club. Shiyan and I worked from 9:00 to 12:00 with a few other members dropping in for an hour or so. Things are beginning to look better in the lounge and the kitchen (especially the windows) but we will be back on Thursday to do the change rooms. After that I went to play Bridge but had awful cards and didn't play very well.

   We had very heavy rain this afternoon but now the sun is breaking through to dry things off. Tomorrow should be nicer.


  1. Oh dear about the CD player - you've so much on the go no wonder you forgot but in the end all worked out. I like to believe it was The Universe, allowing Don a moment to show kindness ...
    Oh yes there was lots of rain - now the forecast is snow on Saturday night - I wish Mother Nature would forget about that!

  2. Not snow, please! I have put away my winter boots and refuse to get them out again! Maybe it will just be a light dusting.
