

Sunday 10 March 2019

Spring Forward

   We put the clocks forward an hour last night and I seem to have been behind the eight-ball all day. Usually it doesn't disturb me, not sure why this time.

   I had a really early phone call this morning about the position of Court Monitor at the tennis club that I advertised last week. I think we have a likely candidate, will just run it by the Executive for approval. That will be one thing off my plate if the new candidate actually works out. We had a terrible time last year trying to keep people in the job. It's pretty thankless (requires a lot of janitorial work) and only pays minimum wage. Fingers crossed!

   Rainy and gusty today but the snowbanks continue to shrink. No grass showing yet.

Saturday 9 March 2019

Still Waiting for Spring

   After a week of sunny days but still freezing temperatures, it finally looks as if the big melt is about to take place. I was out for quite a while this afternoon trying to break up some of the ice on the edges of the driveway to give myself a bit more room to drive in off the road. Tomorrow we should get some rain which will speed the melting but then on Monday we are getting some more snow!

   Life has been trundling along as usual with me which is why the lack of posts. I did attend a very tasty Pancake breakfast at the Senior's Centre on Shrove Tuesday (the full breakfast for just $5) and my oldest grandson's 13th Birthday dinner yesterday, our first teenager, so there were a few highlights. Oh, and yesterday I had my first ever massage, a prize I won last Fall but never got around to using. It was wonderfully relaxing but no lasting improvement in back and neck pain, hey ho!

It was mild enough to hang out some laundry today but, unfortunately, the clothes line is still inaccessible.

This is where my rhubarb should be beginning to emerge but it is still under two feet of ice and snow!

Friday 1 March 2019

In Like a Lamb

    March, that is. We have had a couple of sunny days and it almost feels as if the big thaw is ready to start, snow melt dripping off the eaves and puddles growing at the bottom of driveways. However, there is still so much snow around it will be some time before we see any green. 

   Having said that, we are still forecast to have another couple of inches of the white stuff tomorrow but I think (and sincerely hope) that the major storms are behind us.

    Just my usual Friday - Fitness class in the morning and Pickleball this afternoon - but I did manage to clear a path through the drifts to my back yard and also got a pot of soup simmering for the weekend. So quite a lot accomplished.

The snow piles are huge this year - the most we've had in a while.

Can't believe I shifted all that snow - and most of it by shovel too!

Today's sun has helped clear the ice from the sidewalks. They were quite treacherous for the last few days. Roll on Spring!

Tuesday 26 February 2019

Roll Up the Rim

   At our Probus meeting we have Tim Horton's coffee and last week I managed to find two cups with freebies under the rim. One was my own and the other was from a friend who didn't want hers. Now, I am really against disposable cups and usually take my own mug but can't say no to free stuff. 

   Today, while on my morning walk I deliberately took the route that went by my local Timmies and cashed in my winnings. I got an extra large decaf and an apple fritter. I saved some of the coffee for tomorrow as it was huge! Free stuff always seems to taste better than if you have had to pay for it.

   Bridge this afternoon and I was the lucky loser and got $3. This just means I didn't win anything from having a high score but had my name pulled from the jar. This will pay for my next three times at Bridge. After my unlucky events last week it was nice to feel my luck may have turned.