

Tuesday 18 May 2021

Two Successes

   Finished today`s crossword in the Toronto Star - my first time ever completing it! This is a new (to me during lockdown) activity as I always thought I wasn`t smart enough to try it. However, it is a good way to put in an hour or two on the long mornings. I do the Sudoku and Jumble as well.

    More gardening today. I found two more tomato plants at the grocery store today, one a grape variety. I would still like to get a cherry tomato but am running out of space. Transplanted two pumpkin plants that I grew from seed just to see what they will do. Stay tuned!


  1. I enjoy doing the crosswords in our weekend newspaper. The general knowledge one and the cryptic one. Stops my brain from furring up. I am no good at Sudoko though.

    1. I've never tried a cryptic crossword - I find the regular one hard enough. Only got a few clues today!

  2. We are running out more garden space too, although it’s our own fault as we’ve ended up with about 50 tomato plants mostly from seed.. If you were a but more local we’d give you a dozen cherry tomato plants, here everyone has too many so there are no takers.

    1. I plan to try one more place tomorrow, fingers crossed I find what I want!

  3. My Sister passes on the pages of puzzles from the local daily paper to me which is handy. Like you say it's good to do all sorts of puzzles for the keeping the brain going.

    1. It's what gets me out of bed some mornings!

  4. Well done you getting the crossword done. I don't think I've ever done a crossword, I've tried Skudoko puzzles & it is hit & miss with me. I've gotten hooked on Mahjong, the online version.
    I was picking up my annual flower curbside order yesterday & I saw she had lots of tomato plants, which tempted me, but alas tomatoes do not like my garden or my gardening skills.

  5. The stores here tend to have tons of just one or two varieties. I like to have a selection.
