

Friday 5 July 2019

The Heat Continues

   My computer has just told me it is 32C here today and I don't dispute that. It was fearfully hot at tennis this morning although we started at 8:00 a.m. People were dropping like flies (not literally which was fortunate as we have several 80- and 90-year olds) and most had drifted off by 10:30. I went home then too for a nice cool swim but grandson had turned on the pool heater, so not as refreshing as usual!

    The family are off to the trailer this afternoon so it's just me, Holly and Stripey. The latter has been brought downstairs to the office as the bedroom was just too hot for her. Judy was busy jam making this morning (I did mine yesterday) so we are both now well stocked for the coming year. The strawberries were so large and luscious that it took no time at all to pick them. In fact it took me longer to drive to the strawberry field than it did to fill my bucket! I have quite a few left to snack on or freeze.

My well-stocked cupboard.


  1. It was a very good year for strawberries. I'm still picking from my own patch and now freezing. -Jenn

  2. I keep seeing big cartons of local strawberries & I have yet to make a decision to make my own jam ... hopefully the pool heater is off & you can enjoy a refreshing swim - the heat has arrived again.
