

Tuesday 16 January 2024

Waiting To Be Read

      Books have been piling up on my bedside table and I got two more at the RWTO lunch today - just 50 cents each, can't beat that! It's a fundraiser for the women's shelter we support. I didn't donate any books today but probably will have some next month so I don't mind paying for them.

    I'm reading the Camilla Lackberg book at the moment but can't wait to get stuck into the others! Since our library system has been sabotaged (a cyber attack several months ago) and I can't get my holds, I have been scrambling to find stuff I like. One is historical fiction and the other new one is by a favourite author, Elizabeth George, so I'm sure I will like it.

   The lunch out today was a little underwhelming as it was cottage pie (well, I can make that myself!) but with a tasty salad and rhubarb pie with ice cream for dessert, it was enjoyable enough. Plus, the friendly company made for a pleasant outing.  The weather was very disagreeable, slippery roads, falling snow and icy underfoot, not to mention minus 10C, but almost everyone showed up. I think most people just want to get out and see some familiar faces!


  1. I can't begin to imagine what your winters must be like. Books will make it better!

  2. That's one option but sometimes you just have to buckle down (and dress properly) and get outside for some fresh air!

  3. I managed to get outside today for a bit of a walk. Going in one direction was lovely and felt exactly like -15C, but coming in the other direction home was exactly the -30C feeling. Still it was nice to get some fresh air.

    Love those books.

    God bless.

    1. I know exactly how you feel about coming back facing into the wind!

  4. I fancy those books myself, but how annoying about your library, I'd really miss mine if it had a similar problem, whew and very cold with you , but nice to have company.

    1. I picked up three more books at my Probus club book exchange so I'm all set for at least a month.

  5. I read about that cyber attack, hospitals in the Windsor area were also attacked & they too are scrambling to get patient files accessed for treatments. Horrible people out there. That's a good haul of reading material, perfect for snuggling in during this extreme weather.

    1. I'm not sure what the hackers are trying to achieve. Personal information perhaps? It certainly is a nuisance.

  6. Those books will keep you busy during this cold weather. I went to my local library to get some too. Enjoy.

    1. Yes. I'll be fine when the next storm rolls in!

  7. I heard that Greer Hendricks book was good. She always teams up with another author and they jointly write their books. I've never read any but would like to give one of them a try.

  8. Thanks for the suggestion. I will look for them. We can still borrow books from our local library branch.
