

Tuesday 31 August 2021

A Display of Birds

    Much more comfortable today but, apart from an hour of tennis, a bit of gardening and my swim, I have been indoors watching the U.S. Open tennis tournament. It is on for the next two weeks so you know how I will be spending a big chunk of my free time! Lots of amazing players so sure to be several exciting matches.

   During the hot spell I was working on my newest (to me, from Valu Village) jigsaw puzzle, and finished it yesterday. I t was fun to do and I will definitely try it again.


  1. Such a lovely puzzle. I bet it was fun to do.

    God bless.

    1. And it didn't take too long either - just the right level of complexity.

  2. Love the puzzle. I am crazy about bird art; I probably have half a dozen prints around my house. And I keep buying cute bird stamps to make cards, but have not used very many of those. Will have to put that on my list of things to do.

  3. I've done a lot of puzzles during lockdown but this is definitely one of my favourites.
