

Monday 23 August 2021

Shouldn't Complain, but........

    Still very humid and steamy. I have given up on my daily walk as it is just too hot even early in the morning. Instead I have started to swim lengths each day - I'm up to twenty (the pool is small!) but that takes quite a bit of effort so I don't think I will be increasing that any time soon.

    We are still getting out on the tennis courts, usually from 8:00 a.m. to around 9:30. Sunday's game was interesting, Kathy and I took the first set 6-0. this is really unusual as, no matter what combination we play in, we are usually well matched. I guess the other two had a slow start. The second set (with a different combination) was much more even.

   I have shown off this hibiscus plant already but this is the first time it's had two blooms at the same time. Unfortunately it is losing leaves at an alarming rate, probably due to the hot conditions.


  1. The hibiscus is beautiful. I hope it holds out in the hot weather. X

  2. Lovely bloom colours. I don't think I have seen a hibiscus of that colour.

    God bless.

    1. I've had it for a few years but it has to come indoors over the winter. I think it's a problem with the change in location.

  3. Such a pretty hibiscus. I would have thought it would flourish in this heat & humidity (col). Even in a/c my body seems to know about the oppressive heat outside because even walking on the treadmill is tough going. Keep up the laps - I admire that determination.

    1. I occasionally work out in my basement but the A/C doesn't seem to manage to remove the humidity down there!

  4. Twenty lengths sounds pretty good to me and must get all the muscles moving well. Good for you.
