

Tuesday, 3 November 2020


     No good news about the car but I have decided to get it repaired (despite the cost and the long wait for a replacement battery). Meanwhile son is driving me back and forth as needed. We went to the grocery store for the weekly shop on Sunday (no lineups!) and to the library and the bulk food store today, really the only trips I need to be taking. I walked to my local mall yesterday and picked up a few things.

   Still rather on the chilly side for the beginning of November but we are due a few warm days this weekend. Unfortunately the tennis courts are now closed for the winter but I will be able to work in the garden and take a few walks. We had a bit of snow yesterday but it is gone now.


  1. We have had almost summerlike weather her in Saskatchewan. That is supposed to change this weekend with colder temperatures and snow once again.

    Enjoy your time in the garden.

    God bless.

  2. We've had our first frost of the season overnight but snow - brrrrrr.

    1. It didn't last long. Today got up to 16C!

  3. We often forget how much we rely on our cars. Hopefully when you get your car back there will be a surprise, that the repairs weren't expensive as quoted - fingers crossed.

    1. No, I think it will be as quoted, plus I am getting the car serviced at the same time.

  4. Sorry there is no good news on the car front, but you are lucky to have chauffeur service on call - a treat in itself. Replacement parts for lots of things are starting to be in short supply I am finding. Hopefully the wait will be shorter than expected.

  5. I haven't had any expenses for the car since last year so it is only to be expected and I will just have to choke it down!
