

Monday, 24 September 2018

Updating my Contacts List

   Feeling decidedly autumnal today but I am still picking tomatoes and kale from the vegetable garden. Coffee social this morning followed by my usual Monday Bridge game (I had terrible cards, only played one hand and went down badly). Tonight is dance group which should cheer me up!

   I have updated some of my contacts as to my new e-mail address. Unfortunately, I had relied too heavily on my contacts list which is now gone with the demise of my Hotmail account. I am still trying to figure out how to notify these people of my new gmail address. Some I will see in person and others I can contact by phone. The rest will think I have died!


  1. Chris this might be an interesting exercise in finding out who will contact you if they haven't heard from you say in 2 weeks or less ... the dancing group sounds like fun & a great way to be active.

    1. It`s Scottish Country Dancing and is good for your brain as well as your fitness level.

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