

Friday 24 February 2017

Rain in February.

   Heavy rain this morning and just 5C for most of the day, but it is nice to see grass at this time of year. Usually we have snow cover until well into March.

   Banana, peanut butter and yogurt for breakfast today, followed by coffee and a couple of special cookies (brought in by the supervisor, Christine - my, they were good!) after Gentle Fit. I didn`t leave until almost 11:00 a.m. so that was the morning well gone.

    Homemade soup for lunch but I made a loaf in the bread machine and had a big slice (what we used to call a `doorstep`) later in the afternoon. There`s nothing tastier than fresh baked bread slathered in butter! Mine also had jam. That has somewhat taken the edge off my appetite so dinner (fish and peas) will be late tonight.

   Nothing much else going on. I watched tennis from Rio de Janeiro this afternoon but soon got bored with it as there were no big names playing. Luckily I have a good book on the go.

Thursday 23 February 2017

Still Nice Weather

   Another beautiful day, sunny, warm (15C) and the snow is gone! After I got home from Bridge I sat outside for a while, catching some rays.

    I had great cards at Bridge today, even made some contracts and only made one major blooper (plus a couple of small ones), but came away quite satisfied with my play for once. There's a bit more pressure playing with the Thursday group as they are much more serious than my Monday friends. I also had fun at Mah-jong although I didn't manage to win any games - came close a couple of times - I need to be faster at picking up discarded tiles.

    I had tennis scheduled for this morning but it was cancelled as the court was closed for repairs. Just as well as I woke up with a rather painful hip which made walking tricky. I certainly wouldn't have been able to run around the tennis court! I hope it is better before tomorrow's fitness class.

   Last of the chicken for dinner tonight, I will have it with some corn, then a minneola for dessert. That should keep me until tomorrow.

Wednesday 22 February 2017

A Better Day

     My usual Wednesday - Stretch and Strength class at 9:00 a.m., a quick errand and then Osteo fit at 11:15.  I only stay for the first half of the second class as I start my shift in the kitchen before it finishes. I closed up just before 2:00 p.m. and got to book club on time for once. We were discussing "Three Day Road" by Joseph Boyden - a lively discussion despite the morbid subject matter (The Great War in France). Most people liked it and would recommend it, so get reading!

   Just a light meal tonight as I go out just before 7:00 p.m. for dance group. The weather today continued mild, up to 8C, with a little sun although it was foggy for most of the morning. Must be a case of temperature inversion where a mass of cold air traps the warmer air and produces condensation. We won't get any more seasonable temperatures until Sunday.

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Too Much To Do

   Horribly busy day - just like being back at work - and I am completely washed out despite having a nap this afternoon. Here's how it went.

   I had an early start for the RWTO meeting this morning. I needed to get to "The Estates" by 9:00 a.m. to get the name tags set out and the books trolleyed in from the car (two trips) before the meeting started at 9:30. I had help with the name tags but, unfortunately, it took longer to explain what to do than if I had just done it myself! What complicated it was the number of guests and the people who hadn't sent in their cheques and were to pay at the door.

   The meeting was rather long and dragged out but we did get done a bit before lunch. Lunch was delicious - I got an extra serving of salad which was followed by a very tender roast beef and perfectly cooked veggies. I left some of the mashed potatoes but just had to eat the bun with the salad, it was so great for sopping up the dressing!

   By 2:30 the speaker was done and I had to pack everything up and cart it back to the car. That was the final straw as it was beginning to rain. The rain was pretty heavy on the drive home but that should get rid of the last of the snow and clean things up. I did see a couple of sprouts in my vegetable patch after the weekend's sun and warmth - probably the garlic - but I don't think the grass will need cutting any time soon!

   Just a light meal tonight. I think it will be a BLT but with roasted red pepper instead of tomato which taste awful in the winter so I never buy them, but I also have a hard boiled egg which will give me some protein. Early to bed tonight, methinks!