

Monday 19 December 2016

My Festive Cake

   The Battle of the Cakes is on! First the Weaver posted hers. Then Susan Here There and Everywhere came up with her version. So I am compelled to publish mine. It`s not as festive looking as the others but, for a first attempt, I am of the opinion that it measures up pretty well.

As you can see, no longer a perfect circle - I was forced to try a slice, just to make sure it was edible, you understand!

   We are not big cake eaters (especially fruit cakes) but I am toying with the idea of sending my Christmas Day guests home with a big chunk. Unfortunately, they will have to be advised not to feed it to the kids as it has been thoroughly doused in spirits! I started off with Marsala wine but have since added sherry (last week`s dousing) and today the final soaking is brandy.

    Sunny but cold (-7C) again today. No wind so really quite pleasant as long as you were well wrapped up or didn`t stay out too long. We had our last Bridge game of the year and brought food for when we took a break - sausage rolls (me), veggies and dip (Diane`s healthy contribution), delicious almond tarts (Marie) and clementines and chocolate cookies from Pinkie.  It will just be leftover chicken and broccoli tonight as I am still somewhat stuffed. Everything in moderation had better be my New Year`s resolution!

Sunday 18 December 2016

Finally,Some Sun!

     A little sprinkling of snow overnight but not enough to require shovelling, and no freezing rain! However, the temperature has dropped again to minus numbers and the wind has picked up so, although it looks nice out, it's decidedly chilly!

Brilliant blue sky - but that brings colder temperatures!

   A quiet day with just one outing to stock up on groceries. I cashed in some PC points as I bought some of the things I will need for the Christmas lunch. I have been saving them up to lighten the expenses of feeding a big group. I still have some left and will use them when I shop on Christmas Eve. Some time this week I will have to make some sugar cookies as the grandkids and I ate the last of my stock yesterday. Luckily they are easy!

Saturday 17 December 2016

A Change in the Weather

     We had quite a dump of snow overnight but the cold weather has abated. Elliot helped me clear the driveway using the snowblower and Natalie and James helped a little too so it didn't take long. The kids left around 11:00 and, although I love having them here, I was quite glad to have the house to myself again. There were a few sprinkles of rain when I went out to clear the sidewalk and back path so I put the car back in the garage as it is likely to freeze overnight.

   A pot of soup on the stove for lunch - cabbage, carrot - while I was out shovelling,and chicken thighs and mushrooms (with more cabbage) for dinner. Judy brought over a couple of "petits fours" leftover from the party when she came to pick up the kids so I had a special treat after dinner.

    Lots of fresh air today so I should sleep well tonight!


Friday 16 December 2016

Good Food and Pleasant Company

Milder today, only -5C, and the wind has died down, but we are expecting a big snowfall overnight. The grandkids are here for a sleepover and I joked with them that we might be snowed in but they took me literally and got a bit freaked out. They are finally happily ensconced in front of the TV with the fire on, so I think the worry has passed!

    I went out for lunch today with the group I've joined to learn Mah Jong. We met at Casa Deluz, not for Spanish food, as you would suspect from the name, but for Dim Sum. We had a huge feed (really too much) and were there from 10:30 to noon; each dish is just $3 until 11:00 a.m. Lots of different dishes I had never tried before and most I liked. There were lots of leftovers which we divvied up - I got an egg tart - so good!

At last a quiet moment. They decorated the tree for me.

The end of the meal. We are all stuffed!

The desserts  - and, of course, lots of green tea!

Half way through the meal and still lots left to eat.