

Friday 16 January 2015

Fun With the Grandkids

       It was a lovely sunny day but - boy, was the wind cold. The temperature stayed around -5C all day so it was another indoor day. The grandkids were here for the day and we did manage out to the park for half-an-hour this afternoon but were pretty chilled when we got home. Time for hot chocolate and marshmallows!

    It's always fun around here when they come for a visit. They often have me in stitches with their funny ideas and quirky comments, James especially. We had a trip to the library in the morning then played games, did puzzles and finally, got out the scrap paper, stamps, glue and glitter for some craft time. They also each had some computer time and Elliot had brought a kit to put together. He spent quite a bit of time on that and they did watch a video just after lunch while I cleaned up the kitchen. It was a bit of a disaster zone as Elliot and James decided to make a yogurt smoothie just as I was making sandwiches and devilled eggs (their favourite treat at my house).

   Mind you, as soon as they left, I headed upstairs for a nap. Now I am all bright -eyed and bushy tailed, ready for an evening of dancing at Fallingbrook. Hope there's a good turnout tonight.

Thursday 15 January 2015

Probus Club

   I had my second visit to the local Probus Club meeting this morning. Although I have to wait until next Fall to join, I can visit three times for free. This was my second visit, very enjoyable with a  speaker from the ROM. Also, I ran into an old Bridge friend there, Gloria, who I hadn't seen for at least a dozen years. Now that I am back to playing bridge I gave her my phone number in case she ever needs a fourth for one of her bridge nights. 

    After the talk I had to rush back to the Senior's Centre for 12:00 p.m. for my other bridge group and we played until almost 3:00 p.m., eating lunch in between hands. I only had one successful hand but felt I played it rather well. Other than that, the cards just did not fall my or my partner's way!

   Back to Agincourt Community Centre for a swim and I managed 18 laps for the second time. Next week I plan to go for 20. Then a short soak in the hot tub, a quick stop at No Frills for milk and sandwich meat for the grandkids lunch tomorrow, and finally home for a relaxing evening. It has been a busy day!

Wednesday 14 January 2015


   The brussell sprouts were delicious. I very rarely buy bacon but have bundled it into 4-rasher packages for easy access from the freezer, so I think it will be a regular on my menu this winter. I found some smoked mackerel at Metro today and decided to try the Cajun variety. It wasn't too spicy as I had suspected so I will definitely buy it again.

   Quite an active day today. An early start (9:00 a.m.) with the Stretch and Strength class at the Senior's Centre. I stayed for coffee and a chat after, then made a quick trip to Chapters to find a birthday gift for James. This afternoon I returned to the Rec. Centre for the clogging class. I am quite enjoying it and am beginning to learn some of the steps. "Walk the Dog" and "The Rocking Chair" are some examples of the strange names the steps are given. The music is very catchy but Wayne, the teacher, said next week we will be learning a harder number although all the numbers are hard for me!

   I have finally finished the Christmas cake but still have some mincemeat tarts to eat up. And, I believe, there's still a small plum pudding somewhere at the back of the fridge. Luckily I still have a can of Devon Custard which I can use to sweeten it. I may still be eating Christmas leftovers by Easter!
Brussell Sprouts and bacon. Yum!!

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Brussell Sprouts

   I'm snacking on crackers and cream cheese with Judy's homemade red pepper jelly. Quite a delicious combination, with a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon to wash it down. But my big feat tonight will be preparing Alison's recipe for brussell sprouts with bacon. I watched her prepare it for the Christmas dinner and, as I needed a vegetable to go with a lamb casserole tonight, I thought I'd give it a try. I know it involved, among other things, lots of garlic so what's not to like?

   I will par boil the brussell sprouts then cook some bacon pieces until just about done. Then I will toss in the drained brussell sprouts and cook them with some garlic in the bacon fat until they caramelize a bit. Should be delicious. I cooked the lamb casserole on the weekend so it just needs to be heated up.

   I had a busy weekend with dancing on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Friday night Wendy taught us a couple of new dances for the weekend dance, so we were well prepared. There was quite a good turnout despite the cold weather and those of us who did venture out had a great time. On Sunday afternoon we had a practice of the Burns' dances, Keith's last turn as our teacher, but the demo scheduled for Thursday has been cancelled due to illness at the retirement home. The next one is this Saturday at a church Burns' supper. 

   I had another cancellation today - the RWTO executive meeting which also was to be held at a retirement home, now under quarantine - but because of that I was able to attend Bridge lessons at the Senior's Centre.

   It has been very cold today - wind chill of -30C - but the sun  was shining and no wind made it quite bearable.
This was the reading when I got up this morning!