

Sunday 17 February 2013

A Day For New Resolutions

    It is extremely cold today. My outside thermometer registered -13 degrees celsius when I got up this morning. It managed up to -9C by noon but is now dropping as the sun sets behind the trees. With the wind chill ( what the weather reporters refer to as the "real feel") the current temperature is around -19C and will drop further during the night. I will be staying indoors.

    Spent the day catching up on the weekend newspapers. It's amazing how fast time passes when you are reading! I have started Anna Karenina - it is heavy going but I am determined to persevere, at least until I can get to the library.

    Tomorrow is a holiday (Family Day) and I plan to start my Spring cleaning. Spring is too nice a season to stay indoors doing housework so I will try to have it all done before the end of March. I have a strong urge to purge the house of all the junk I have accumulated in the 14 years that I have lived here. I wonder if this foretells another move!  Also, I have decided to cut out liquor and chocolate for Lent. So far I have eaten all the chocolate in the house but there are still some liqueurs in the liquor cabinet which I am diligently consuming! I figure I will save about $80 dollars by Easter.

Thursday 14 February 2013

Dancing, Lunch and Tires checked...

    Busy day!  James did not appear at my doorstep so he must have recovered sufficiently to go to Day Care. I know they don't want sick kids showing up (and I don't blame them, bugs spread pretty fast). So off I went to dance with my RSCDS (Royal Scottish Country Dancing) colleagues at a Church Senior's Luncheon. We did seven dances and also cajoled a few of the Senior's to join us on the floor for 4 ceilidh (sp?) dances. The audience was enhanced by the presence of about two dozen pre-schoolers from the church school program. They were by far the most enthusiastic, joining us on the floor for a modified Circassian Circle!

    We were treated to lunch after the performance (no need for dinner tonight) and left on a high note, vowing to return next Valentine's Day. Maybe more will be encouraged to join in the dancing now that they have seen how easy and fun it is.

   On the way home I dropped in to my Toyota dealership and got the tires checked - all were low, no charge to have them brought up to the correct level and it only took 45 minutes! How I love my Toyota!! Almost finished "Meridon". "Anna Karenina" is waiting on my bedside table. I went to the movie a couple of weeks ago and need to read the book to see how closely they resemble each other - not much I suspect!

Wednesday 13 February 2013

A Trip to the 'Burbs

    James is still sick and Judy has taken a lieu day to volunteer at her other kids' school. So I am off at the crack of dawn (well, 8:15) to the 'burbs to babysit James at home. He is a sad little munchkin when I arrive but cheers up a bit as the day progresses. We even managed a trip to the library where he found lots of neat stuff to play with and borrowed a couple of books. I cooked his favourite lunch, Mac and Cheese, which he ate with gusto. Then down for a nap. Hope he makes it to daycare tomorrow as I am unavailable as backup. More on that tomorrow. Suffice to say I have some dances to practice tonight!

    Took a nap myself this afternoon (bad idea!) and woke up with a headache. Hope I am not coming down with James's bug. I think I will stay home this evening and get an early night. All will look better in the morning.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

A Nasty Experience

Got a call today to go to the local elementary school to cover one of the Kindergarten classes. I had previously been there for the other Kdgn. and had a reasonably good morning, but this group was quite another kettle of fish. Probably just a bad mix of kids, but we had fights, tears and accidents (no one hurt, thank goodness). I won't be going back to that room again, if I can avoid it. I feel badly because the principal has been very good about sending jobs my way, and the other classes have been fine. But this is one morning I would rather not repeat!
    I am still digging out from the snowstorm we had last week - a big snowbank on one half of the driveway where I dumped the snow blocking in my car. Now it is melting and as heavy as concrete. I dig away at it a little bit at a time to avoid wrecking my back. It's supposed to get colder this weekend so it will be there for the duration of winter. Is it time to downsize to a  condo or bungalow with snow removal?