

Tuesday, 16 May 2017


   A busy weekend and now a couple of frustrating days which I am glad are almost over. Yesterday was fine until the evening when I got in the car to go to dance group and it wouldn't start - and I had all the goodies for the last night party! Luckily I got hold of someone to let them know I would be there eventually. The tow truck came very quickly - I think it was just 10 minutes - and got it going so I wasn't very late, but a red warning light stayed on all the time I was out. It seems to have gone today but am keeping my fingers crossed!

   Today was lunch with RWTO and an interesting speaker. However, this evening I had problems with my printer and spent a good hour trying to print something before realising that the connection was "broken". Luckily, the brainy computer was able to fix it and it seems to be fine now. We'll see if it works next time I go to use it. I'm rather pleased with myself that I managed to resolve the problem without having to seek outside help.

   I spent half-an-hour on the phone with Angela tonight as she complained about one of the monitors at Kaffeeklatsch. Seemingly he is stirring things up and giving out incorrect information. I have been designated (as KK convenor) to straighten him out but I hate confrontation so have opted to do it by a general e-mail to all the monitors and hope that will resolve the problem. Another frustration - can't wait to get away on vacation!

   Just soup and a sandwich for dinner tonight as I was still full from lunch. We got lots of vegetables with the meal but the chicken (again) was rather dry and they served potatoes and rice - too many carbs. Seemingly it's a Greek thing.

Friday, 12 May 2017

Everything Starting to Bloom

   A cloudy but pleasant day with a few sunny periods. I stayed at tennis for three hours and was pretty exhausted by 11:30. The trip there was much easier than Tuesday. Seemingly, that day, a rear-end collision had backed everything up. Luckily, I found an alternate route. But today the traffic was moving well.

   I got my "summer cut" at the hairdresser today and hope it will last until I get home from my trip on June 13th. Now my neck feels rather chilly but it does look much tidier.

   My chore tonight was to get the name tags ready for the RWTO lunch on Tuesday but I didn't get past the "D's". The bags will probably sit there until Monday now!

   A delicious dinner tonight - fish in a cheese and onion sauce (homemade) with a chickpea and roasted red pepper salad I got marked down at the store. It is probably a bit higher in salt than I am used to but it sure was tasty!

The forsythia in my back yard a couple of weeks ago.
   Everything is beginning to grow in the garden - tulips, violets, self-seeding forget-me-nots in all sorts of places, rhubarb, chives, asparagus.

   I have been able to take several cuttings from  the bleeding heart bush, the bee balm and a hosta plant and they seem to have taken well. Soon I will have all perennials in the garden - no need to be buying annuals every Spring. I will still want to put in some vegetables - tomatoes, kale and, this year I think I will try some radishes. Seemingly they're quite easy to grow.

  Next sunny day I will take more photos - so pleased to be able to post photos again!

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Quite the Social Calender

   I decided not to go to tennis this morning as it was on the cool side (9C). I don't mind the cold if the sun is shining but it was overcast and gloomy so I went to mahjongg instead. Another new rule but it made the game even more challenging and fun. I got one win - in fact we all had one so it was a satisfying morning.

   I was replacing Pauline today at Bridge so my partner was Margrit - we had the greatest cards and even when our opponents had the contract, we were able to put them down several times. Margrit and I were pretty pleased with ourselves.

   The sun came out later and it warmed up a bit so I spent an hour in the garden - I find if I do it in small stretches, I can achieve more. It's looking pretty good out there now but I am of two minds whether to plant any veggies before I go on holiday in two weeks. I may just put in the kale and wait until I get back mid-June to plant the rest.

   A few big events coming up - the West Toronto Ball on Saturday (need to review the dances one more time), our year-end party at dance group on Monday (need to make a batch of sausage rolls and bring the plates, napkins etc.) and two weeks from today the RTO AGM for which I have to prepare (and get printed) the file of reports. I am still waiting for a couple of people to submit their reports. My blood pressure was up when I checked it at the drug store today! I will be glad when all these pressures are off me.

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Fresh Bread and Fresh Air

Oh, I have been so lazy with blogging the last few days - only excuse I have been on the go all day. Today is finally up in the low 'teens but still chilly in the shade. At least it is dry and sunny!

   Bridge on Monday was cancelled so I had a quiet day and just out for dance group in the evening. Tuesday was a tennis morning, sunny but a bit cool, and I meant to leave by 11:00 a.m. for Bridge lesson but got waylaid and only made it to the later lesson. It was very helpful, though, and I'm glad I made the effort to go. In the evening I went to Jean Noble's class as she was reviewing all the dances for Saturday's Ball. There was a bigger than usual turnout as lots of extra people were there to have a last go at learning the dances - some are quite tricky.

   Today was another busy day - I went to Fitness class then straight to walking group (took my coffee "to go"). We went to Thomson Park which is quite an easy walk. It was very pleasant to get out in the fresh air and walk (briskly!) with friends. Then a brief stop at home to change clothes and make lunch before heading back to the Seniors' Centre for my shift in the kitchen. It went fairly quickly and we made a bunch of money  - the coffee has gone up in price ($1 instead of 75 cents, still a bargain) - and sold quite a few meat pies. Lastly an hour in the garden pulling weeds. Thank goodness I have a night at home tonight!

    After eating leftovers for 4 days I finally had some fresh food, salmon and peas yesterday, curried chicken thighs and green beans tonight and will have fruit for dessert. I made a soda bread on Monday (that's the problem with staying home, temptation!) and have eaten half of it already - it is so good!

This is my walking group on a cold day in March. I am bottom left. Finally able to load photos!