

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Lots To Do

  Out early to the tennis courts today and hit with Shirley for half-an-hour. Then Stan and Henry arrived so we played a set.  We had had enough by 10:30 so we gave up the court to another group. It was quite busy this morning. A big load of ironing to do when I got home, the table mats and napkins from last Sunday`s dinner, but that was it for the morning. It has been sunny all day.

   Transplanted two cuttings from the Bee Balm plant the other day and they have taken well. Still got lots of weeding to do as they seem to be the first things to grow. Soon it will be dandelions. It was very hot in the garden this afternoon so I only lasted for about an hour before collapsing onto the lounger!

   I have cooked a couple of chicken thighs for dinner with chickpeas and Brussel sprouts. This was all covered with a can of chopped tomatoes so will be nice and juicy. I`m not sure if the chickpeas count as carbohydrates but will chance it anyway. They are good for mashing and sopping up the sauce.

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Things Are Growing

   Sunny but still a cold wind. I worked in the garden for a bit this afternoon and got quite hot. The sun felt good!

   Last day for eating leftover lamb - the rest will go in the green bin. I found some asparagus in the fridge and will have it with the one ripe stalk from the garden. I may get more later but only a couple of stalks seem to come up at a time. The rhubarb is doing well and one of last year's cone flowers has shoots coming up. It is supposed to be a perennial but this is the first plant I have been able to over winter in the garden. Lots of tulips about to open.

   I have been working on my tax return for the last couple of days and it looks as if I might get a refund! Usually I have to pay but last year CRA made me pay in installments and obviously I paid too much, so I am just getting my own money back. I am still waiting for one of my charity receipts that I need for the charitable deductions claim, to be e-mailed to me. It was promised days ago but must be lost in cyber space. I will call them again on Monday.

Friday, 21 April 2017

End of Indoor Tennis

   Carol, Hendrina, Angela and I had a spirited couple of sets on the indoor courts this morning but, hopefully, we will be able to play outside next week. The courts are open but it was still a bit too chilly to venture out today. Things should warm up over the weekend.

   It has been overcast all day with nary a glimpse of the sun. It rained on and off until around noon but nothing too heavy, just enough to moisten the garden. More grass cutting tomorrow and it`s time to spread some fertilizer. I got started on my tax return this afternoon and it looks like I may be getting a refund. I will check my figures tomorrow, complete the good copy and get it in the mail tout suite. No need to wait when I don`t have to pay!

   Still eating leftover lamb - I hope I haven`t kept it too long. I will also have the last of the rhubarb and apple crumble with some frozen yogurt for afters.

   Still unable to post photos - I keep checking but no luck. I may have to start a new blog - stay tuned!

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Ladies Who Lunch

   Probus meeting this morning and I was out early as I needed to stop by the dollar store for a new pair of reading glasses. The speaker was a dietician with lots of suggestions for healthy eating - her main one, cook from scratch, didn't go down well, but she is right, there are so many additives in prepared meals that they can't help but be unhealthy.

    After the meeting 4 of us headed for Red Lobster and were joined by a fifth friend who had been elsewhere for the morning. I had Langoustine and Lobster Bisque and several of Red Lobster's special biscuits. We had to laugh as we were all comparing the number of calories in each meal, after the lecture we had just attended! Mine had 740 calories but some of them were over 1,000 - more than your recommended daily intake!

   Not much action on the exercise front today but I did walk down to the mailbox later in the afternoon to mail Steve and Alison's anniversary card. They have been married nine years - hard to believe. I got a phone call from the Senior's Centre to say I could attend the Friday fitness class but I think I will decline. I will be playing tennis on Fridays soon so someone else can have my spot. 

   It was bitterly cold on my walk (I seem to be saying that a lot recently) on account of the strong wind. Hope it warms up soon. The fire's on again tonight!