

Friday, 7 April 2017

Now It's Snow!

    Felt like winter again today, and there was snow falling when I got up. It continued all morning but the sun came out later and the snow has pretty well  gone now. However, the wind has increased and is almost gale force. My only exercise today was to walk to the drug store to pick up the tax form (all out and no more coming) and almost got blown away!

   I had a busy morning starting with my step class video. Then I drove up to Markham to change a top at Peach Tree Designs. While there I found a nice tight pair of pants to go with the top. I'm fed up with baggy grannie pants. I need a new image! They are very comfy and I'm sure will be a well worn part of my wardrobe.

   Judy came by after work to look for something she needs as a prop for the next play she is working on. She is the set designer. Natalie is still off school but beginning to feel better. I'm glad I have avoided catching her bug.

    Last night I cooked a nice meal but didn't eat it so it just needs heating up tonight. It's chicken thighs with vegetables in a winey sauce.

Thursday, 6 April 2017

More showers!

   Fire's on and warming things up. It's been a blustery day with heavy rain. Driving on the highway was quite a challenge with trucks zipping by and spraying water everywhere! Yesterday was Nordic Pole Walking group and it was a very pleasant day so we were lucky. We walked for over an hour and then I walked to the Senior's Centre and back in the afternoon. I'm pretty sure I got my full 10,000 steps!

   It only got up to 7C today but I had lots to do so didn't have time to brood over the weather. RTO meeting this morning (scribbling like mad to keep up with the discussions) finished around 11:30. There was coffee, muffins and fruit for the break and we are easily satisfied. After the aforementioned drive on the highway I fixed a quick lunch and headed out for Bridge. Bonnie and I had wanted to skip it but Margrit complained about cancelling again so we dropped our lunch plans and arrived on time. Nobody else was there! Pauline rolled in after a bit and eventually there was a call from Margrit to say she couldn't make it. Needless to say we were a bit miffed. Fortunately we found a spare and the afternoon ended well.

    Natalie has stomach flu again and I hope I haven't caught it - I'm feeling a bit queasy. Probably the power of suggestion! I was babysitting them again last night and she was OK then. I will just have a light dinner tonight, just in case!

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

April Showers etc.

   It has rained pretty much all day today and the garden has had a good soaking - puddles everywhere! The temperature has actually dropped through the day, starting at 9C and now just 7C. We may have a few cool days coming. There are some flower heads on the daffodils so the rain has truly brought out the flowers, and it's not may yet.

   Tennis this morning (great fun - we were all on our game!). We only had time for two sets and had to stop the second one at 6-6 as we were too tired to play a tie-break. I almost dozed off during Bridge class but did learn a new thing or two. Dianne was there too, so we have decided to try what we learned when we play next Monday.

   I  was passing the Garden Centre yesterday and dropped in to pick up some pansies. They will go in a planter on the porch on the next nice day. That way I can bring them in if frost threatens. They are pretty hardy so that shouldn't be a problem. I am already anticipating what new plants and veg I will buy this year - can't wait! 

   It's rather a rather dreary evening so I have the fire lit and it's warm and cozy in here. An evening in front of the TV is called for!

Sunday, 2 April 2017

A Perfect Day

    A late start today - I stayed up until midnight last night, watching "D.I. Banks" on PBS - so I puttered around until almost 11:00 a.m. before I got my act together. 

   Another beautiful Spring day - it officially reached 14C this afternoon but I swear it was warmer than that in my back yard! I cleared some borders, cut back two lavender plants and managed to dig up a climbing rose that stopped flowering a couple of years ago. It was a real bugger to get out. I am thinking of replacing it with a clematis plant but I have not been very successful with previous purchases. Will have to consult the staff at the garden centre.

   After all that hard work I sat in the sun for a while but it clouded over later in the afternoon so I came inside to read. My current boob, "Commonwealth" by Anne Patchett, really has me hooked. It's a family drama stretching over a couple of generations of two families whose lives are intertwined. I will be sorry when it is finished.

   Chicken thighs in a tomato and cheese sauce tonight - it's smelling delicious, cooking away in the oven. I have made a salad with the leftover quinoa to which I have added red peppers, cucumber, walnuts, dried cranberries, blue cheese (yum!) with a homemade dressing. I'm ready for my meal.