

Monday, 6 March 2017

Eating My Veggies

   Fancied some cabbage recently and went looking for a small one - all were humungous and the smallest was over 5lbs. I'll be eating cabbage until the cows come home. Yesterday I had it braised with nutmeg and some parmesan - it was delicious - and today it is to be boiled with lots of butter and pepper. If anyone has a great cabbage recipe, please let me know!

   The morning went by quickly today - oat bran for breakfast, my step exercise program followed by a soak in the tub, a few light chores (just polishing all the glass surfaces with Windex), then set off to walk to the senior's centre for Bridge. It was milder today but still chilly (4C) and I forgot to wear a hat so I was ready for a coffee when I arrived. The coffee there is really good so I have to ration myself. I ate my lunch a bit later and managed to get to 5:00 p.m. without nibbling.

   Marie and I had terrible cards today and half way through demanded to change seats with the other pair. It didn't help much but we did make a couple of contracts after that. Still, not our best day. 

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Checking Out the Housing Market

   Nothing much happening here. I went out for a brisk (as in cold) walk this morning and saw that a house on my street, which is up for sale, was holding an open house this afternoon. Being nosy, I went to have a look and was quite surprised, given its dilapidated condition, that the asking price was almost $1 million! It really needed a coat of paint throughout. They will probably get their price, if not more, given the current state of the housing sector - more demand than supply. Another house on my street went for $1.28 million recently.

   I read an article in the newspaper yesterday that claimed the housing bubble is about to burst and we homeowners should all sell up and rent. I think not! I plan to hang on here until I can no longer look after the house. Rents in a half decent building here are exorbitant, anywhere from $2 to $4 thousand a month! The mind boggles.

   Made carrot and lentil soup for lunch today but it didn't hold me and I started nibbling - nuts, dried apricots, tortilla chips - not good! Maybe I need to have a more substantial lunch. Dinner is chicken stew and cabbage which I will have around 7:00 p.m.

   I finished my current Ruth Rendell book this afternoon - excellent ending! It would have made a great movie but now I am on to a P.D. James book and gradually reducing the pile of books by my bed. Once the weather warms up I will be busy outdoors and only reading at bedtime.

Saturday, 4 March 2017

A Tasty Treat

   Some snow overnight and this morning`s temperature a bone-chilling -12C. Another cold day tomorrow then it should warm up somewhat. No need for boots but I was well wrapped up when I did go out.

   I didn`t eat any breakfast when I got up as I was going out for brunch later. I had coupons for `Burger King` and decided it was a good opportunity to check it out. I hardly ever eat junk food and only eat out once every two weeks or so and this week not at all. The coupon was for a croissant sandwich, hash browns and a coffee, all for the princely sum of $3.49. Considering that`s what I pay for a decaf tall latte at Starbucks, it sounded like a good deal. The sandwich had eggs, sausage and bacon bits and was seriously yummy but after eating half of it I was quite stuffed so wrapped it up to bring home and just finished the coffee. It doesn`t take much to make me happy!

   So the sandwich got heated up to have with soup for lunch and the hash browns will be toasted to go with my dinner. I will definitely try it again although I hate to think of the calories, fat and sodium it contains. Luckily the coupons are good until April so I will spread them out over the next few weeks.

This is what it looked like outside my front door this morning. It was sunny all day but the temperature only rose a couple of degrees.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Even Chillier!

   March has definitely come in like  lion! It was -6C this morning with a snow flurry or two (wind chill -12C ) and barely moved all day. The wind was from the north and bitterly cold.

    I had a few errands to run after Fitness class and was really glad to get back to my cozy home. One stop was the hairdresser for a cut and I came out with a very cold neck. Time to dig out the scarf until my hair grows again. I also indulged in a free coffee from McDonald`s - only two more free days left but I probably won`t be at the Mall again before then.

    I got a disappointing letter today - I had applied to mpac to have the assessment of the value of my house reduced. In my opinion it was quite a bit too high, resulting in higher property tax. No go - it will remain the same. At least they didn`t increase it!  Thank goodness for small mercies.

   I forgot to take anything out of the freezer until late this afternoon so dinner will be very late tonight and I will be very hungry!