

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

A Productive Day

    I can't believe how much I achieved today!

   First stop this morning was the "Stretch and Strength" class at the Senior's Centre. There's a rumour going around that all the classes next year will be drop-in which could be monumentally challenging, given the number of people who already attend plus the waiting lists. We shall have to see how that works out. 

   Second stop was the garden centre where I bought 6 King Coleus plants to go along the pathway to the front door (where my hedge was before being killed off in the winter storm last year).  I removed the last of the hedge and dug up the soil but I won't put the plants in until the weekend as we have some frost warnings for later this week. They should be OK in the garage.

    Made a pot of soup for lunch, celery and carrot. The, after a short nap, cooked up a batch of rhubarb and ginger jam. Yesterday at the RWTO lunch there was rhubarb for sale and I bought two bunches. I picked up sugar, ginger pieces and Certo on the way home from the lunch and mixed the rhubarb and sugar to sit overnight. I got 5 jars for the price of the rhubarb ($4) and sugar and ginger (about $3) so quite economical.

   I put some beets on to cook while I cut the front and side grass, then skinned and sliced them to pack into jars and pickle. Easy-peasy! I also finished two books that have to go back to the library soon. Now I need a quiet restful evening of TV. Dinner is leftovers with some fresh vegetables added, probably brussell sprouts. The fridge is getting remarkably empty.

   Bonus yesterday. I had some coupons for items at Metro and when I got to the checkout, the cashier asked if I wanted to cash in my Air Miles! My bill was $7 instead of $23.50. I love coupons and Air Miles!
Rhubarb and Ginger Jam, ready to add to my storage shelf!

Monday, 18 May 2015

Victoria Day

   Tennis this morning - it was the Don Mills Victoria Day social and the traffic was very light. I got there quite early and played three short sets before lunch. It was delicious as usual (for just $2), BBQ chicken, two kinds of salad, green and Greek, rice and a bean, corn and chickpea salad. Also pita and humus. Desserts were scrumptious, especially a chocolate brownie of which I had three pieces. There was lots left over so I hope we have it at Kaffeklatsch tomorrow.

   Did a bit of gardening this afternoon but it was so hot and humid I came in after half-an-hour to cool off. It was a two-shower day today! I am trying to tidy up the back yard before the guys come on Friday to open the pool. Not before time! I could have done with a swim today.

   Leftover stew for dinner but right now I am not in the least bit hungry. I will wait until later to eat.
Bleeding Hearts - always the first perennial to appear. I must put in another one.
All that's left of the climbing rose but I did spot one bud. Maybe it will come back to all its former glory!
Early days for the Dragon Redwing begonias. They should fill the baskets with blooms soon.

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Sunny and Warm

   An hour and a half of tennis this morning with Kathy, Susan and Iona. I was on the losing side for the first set and the winning side for the second. Iona was the big winner as she was on the winning side both times. Of course, she's younger than the rest of us. But I was pleased to be able to play two sets. Then home to watch the final of the Rome tournament - the Joker won, Roger not playing at the top of his game.

   Cut the back grass this afternoon and tidied the garden a bit. It's looking good and I have the hanging baskets out as the weather is set for warm for the next few days. The vegetables are well established so should start to take off soon. It's almost time to pick some rhubarb but I'll give it a few more days of sun and heat.

    Another "Outlander" episode tonight! Can't wait.

Saturday, 16 May 2015

A Loss in the Garden

    I had planned to have the leftover lentil and quinoa soup/stew I bought yesterday, for dinner tonight, but I was invited out to Judy's to babysit and they had ordered in a pizza so I was tempted. I very rarely have pizza but this one, from Regiano's, was particularly good.

   The grandkids were really well-behaved and I had them all in bed before 9:00 p.m. Elliot even got me set up with my favourite Saturday night TV show before he headed for bed - such a good boy! He told me jokes and read some fascinating facts from his magazine to amuse me, instead of my reading him a bedtime story. He's too old for that although the other two still like one.

   It was a lovely day today - quite hot in fact - but I found my climbing rose had suffered badly over the winter and so I had to cut back all the dead wood. That was hot work! There are a few new shoots coming in at the base so I can only hope it recovers.