

Sunday 4 February 2018

Busy in the Kitchen

   A pot of carrot lentil soup on the go for lunch - I almost forgot I had used up the last pot yesterday but I had it on by noon and had a late lunch when it was ready. Then this afternoon I made a batch of savoury scones which turned out well - lots of cheese and a sprinkling of garlic and parsley salt. I have just had a couple with salmon cream cheese hot from the oven. Yum!

   It was snowing when I got up this morning - not cold - so I was out shovelling around 10:00 a.m. The snow finally stopped by 3:00 p.m. so I went back out and finished clearing the driveway. At least I will be able to get the car out and on the road early tomorrow. I have to get some blood work done first thing and will be fasting from 6:00 p.m. tonight. No late night snacks!

Saturday 3 February 2018

Technology Problems

   A chilly start to the day (-10C) but it did get up to -3C by the afternoon. No sun but also no wind so not too cold. And no snow!

   I had a frustrating time at the grocery store this morning. It was absolutely heaving with people and when I finally got to the checkout register it went down - not just mine but several others. There must have been almost 100 people in line! It took the cashiers ages to get rebooted and working again but everybody was really patient, no tantrums or riots - everyone just commiserating on the delay without blaming the cashiers. This is a truly Canadian trait, we are so polite!

   I meant to do some baking this afternoon as I am almost out of sweet treats but never got around to it. I finished one library book and got started on the next one. It's called "The Party" and is by Elizabeth Day. I'm sure I have read other books by her.

   Roast pork with vegetables in the slow cooker for dinner tonight and it's smelling good!


Friday 2 February 2018

Groundhog Day

      Wiarton Willie, the local groundhog, saw his shadow today so we will have another six weeks of winter!  This really is no surprise as we regularly have snow and freezing temperatures well into March.  

   I have had no Internet since Tuesday so, once it came back on today I have been busy catching up on e-mails and blogs. I contacted the service provider on Wednesday and arranged for a technician to come today but, wouldn't you know, a half hour before he was to arrive, reception was back! He checked everything anyway and pronounced it "good to go". No explanation of the problem, however. I hope it doesn't re-occur.

   We had a mild day yesterday but today was bitterly cold again. All the snow that had melted into puddles yesterday was frozen and treacherous. I made it to fitness class this morning and went for a walk to the mall in the afternoon. My face was frozen by the time I got there as I was walking directly into the north wind. Coming home wasn't so bad and at least I was facing the sun. 

   I had opened a can of mixed beans for a pot of minestrone the other day and only used half. So today I picked out all the chickpeas and made a batch of hummus - lots of lemon juice and garlic. It was very tasty!

Monday 29 January 2018

Back To Winter Weather

   As predicted, the Spring-like weather was short-lived and we have a smattering of snow today. I am going out this evening so am hoping it won't amount to much. The temperature is just a bit below freezing.

   Quite a busy day with "Hava Java" in the morning. It was fun to get together with erstwhile colleagues and friends, and the coffee at Calabria Bakery is good (and free!). Then Bridge this afternoon with some good and some not-so-good hands, but the company, again, was great. Tomorrow's Bridge lesson is cancelled because the teacher is sick, which is a shame as I had declined to play tennis this week. But I'm sure I will survive the disappointment!

   Nothing else to report so I will close now. Wish me luck when out driving tonight!