

Friday 22 September 2017

We Need Rain!

   Still hot and dry and the weekend is supposed to continue that way. The lawns are looking rather scorched but no point watering them. I am just keeping the tomato plants wet.

   Tennis this morning (two sets, that was enough for me) then a couple of errands on the way home - first, gassed up the car ($30) then picked up a prescription ($34, but I will get some of that back), an expensive morning. While I was in the drug store the pharmacist went through a very detailed questionnaire with me to ascertain that my prescriptions were not conflicting in any way. It took about 15 minutes and was very thorough but I think I passed. Only suggestion - I should be eating oatmeal! I can do that.

   Gardening for a while this afternoon until my hands got too sore. I was still pruning and sawing the bush. Then just reading. I made cauliflower croquettes for dinner last night and will have that again tonight with corn and pickled beetroot. No dessert but I may have some almonds and dried fruit later.

Thursday 21 September 2017

Too Busy!

   It must be raining somewhere but certainly not here. It has been very dry for the last two weeks and I have had to water the garden fairly frequently. Today was another hot one - mid 20's with not a cloud in sight.

   Probus meeting this morning and it was a different location. The upside was that on my way there I passed a farmer selling corn so stopped to buy some for tonight's dinner. I ran a few errands after the meeting but that was it for today. I have been feeling rather overwhelmed by the number of commitments I have made recently and need a quiet few days. That won't happen until the weekend.

   A bit of gardening this afternoon - I am cutting back some bushes by the front walk and filling the bins for next week's pickup. This will be an ongoing project  since I can only get rid of so much of the cuttings every other week, I filled four bins today. I will just do it gradually.

   Haven't decided on tonight's dinner other than the corn - probably something with eggs. I got a good fish recipe from the Ricardo magazine so that will be for tomorrow. 

Wednesday 20 September 2017

A Couple of Treats

     Forgot to mention that yesterday I was the highest bidder on one of the items in the Silent Auction at our lunch. It was a collection of chutneys and relishes, left over from a sale at the convention, nine small jars for $13. That's just over $1.50 each, quite a bargain. Some I will use myself (especially the cranberry chutney!) and some I will give as hostess gifts.

   This morning I had three huge tomatoes and a hot pepper to use up so I made a batch of salsa. It turned out very well but I shouldn't have used the whole pepper as it is too hot for me! It will go to my son-in-law who loves things spicy. I had bought the pepper plants on sale at the garden centre but they had no label. I will know better next time not to take the chance.

    After that and a bit of gardening I cleaned up and walked over to the Senior's Centre for my shift in the coffee bar. Only made one pot of coffee and there was even some of that left as the classes are still out. But there was birthday cake for one of the ladies (chocolate) so I got a treat! I am wondering if I should bother going next week. It was very hot walking home so I have stayed indoors since. It is cooling off a bit now and I have the windows open. Thank goodness it gets fresher over night.


Tuesday 19 September 2017

Busy, Busy

   A hectic start to the day - I was down at the tennis courts by 8:15 as no one was available to open up and start the coffee. Also the coffee creamer had gone walkabout so I had to make a quick run down to the store to stock up.

   Next stop was the RWTO meeting and I made it there by 9:10 giving me time to lay out the name tags and the book sale before the meeting started. Finished the meeting by 11:00 and I sold 59 books today ($29.50), a record! Then lunch at noon, salad, roast beef with veggies and horseradish. The caterer serves rice and potatoes with the meals which seems an inordinate amount of carbs so I don't eat either but the rest was quite filling. Apple pie and ice cream with coffee for dessert. I will just have a bowl of soup for dinner tonight.