

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Using My Imagination

     Fire on again tonight as it is cold and damp. The forecast snow has not yet materialized but it is doing something out there - could be freezing rain or just plain rain. We won't know until we wake up tomorrow morning. I have decided to take a chance and leave my car out in the driveway. I may be scraping it before I can go anywhere tomorrow!

    I made an interesting dinner tonight with a basa fillet. I dusted it with seasoned flour (I used a mix of Herbe de Provence and Za'attar) then fried it in a little butter. After I flipped it I topped it with my homemade Mediterranean chutney and let it cook covered for another couple of minutes. I had it with some Greek pasta  that was reduced in price (by nearly half!) at the drugstore, so had a Mediterranean theme going. It was delicious although the pasta was rather high in sodium. But I only ate half of it and will have the rest tomorrow. 

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Seize the Day!

     Currently 4C which is as high as it's got all day. At least the forecast snow didn't materialize. I haven't been using the gas fire much recently but I had it on tonight to take off the chill. It looks like March not only came in like a lion but will also be departing like a lion instead of a lamb!

    Off to tennis at Hendrina's by 9:30 a.m. and we had a couple of good hours on the court (well, actually 1 1/2 hours as we took frequent breaks). Carol suggested we add another morning next Fall and we have tentatively agreed to set aside Thursday mornings for a second session. This works for me as I have decided to drop Thursday morning yoga in preference to Zumba Gold which is an afternoon class.

   Straight from Bayview and Steeles to Warden and Ellesmere via the highway to get to the community centre by 12:30 for RTO Bridge. It was fun, especially as there is free coffee and cookies. I made a couple of fairly serious errors and got gently scolded but no one is too serious even though there is money on the line. Needless to say I didn't score well enough to win anything but then neither did any of my partners! 

    I have a morning at home tomorrow as fitness class is over until April so I will get some house cleaning done prior to my Easter visitors on Sunday.

   Butter chicken leftovers for dinner tonight along with rice and green beans. The rest will go in the freezer as two days of one meal is enough for a while.

Monday 21 March 2016

Still Frigid

   Boy, was it cold this morning! Even though the thermometer said 2C, the wind was from the north and bitter. No hanging around outside today. I was out early to Dr. Acker (my rheumatologist), then dropped in at the garden centre for some pansies for my porch planter but I will have to keep them indoors until it warms up a bit, especially overnight.

   After that I went to Metro for a lamb leg for Easter dinner. It will have to go in the freezer but the price was right. This afternoon was Bridge with my regular foursome and we had some interesting hands. I also got invited to join a group on Thursday so, lots of Bridge this week. Nothing much else going on as the classes are all finished until April.

Sunday 20 March 2016

Handy Gadget

    Cold today with a frosty start of -4C and it didn't warm up much all day although the sun was shining. I used my immersion blender twice today, once to blend cabbage soup for lunch, and again to make the sauce for Butter Chicken for dinner. I am really spoiling myself today!

    The soup was super easy - just a potato, half a chopped onion and  half a cabbage. I cooked all the vegetables in a chicken stock with some celery salt and pepper. It turned out very well. I may serve it for Easter lunch next weekend. I wonder of the grandkids will like it?

   The sauce for the butter chicken had onion, garlic and mushrooms with half a can of tomatoes - also super easy. Once it has cooked for a couple of hours, I will blend it and add chicken thighs to cook for another hour. I will serve it over rice with green beans on the side. Tasty and nourishing!

   Just one date today - the demo team practice at Broadlands this afternoon. We learned the dances that will be performed by the demo team on Gala Day in May. I don't plan to attend as it's the same day as the Don Mills Tennis Club opening and I don't want to miss that as there will be a free lunch! However, it was interesting to learn the dances which will be done as a medley - a reel followed by a square set strathspey and finishing with a fun dance, "De'il Amang the Tailors". I was pretty exhausted by the time we stopped at 4:00 p.m.

   Just a quiet evening at home watching TV although a couple of my favourite Sunday shows are finished. I'm sure I will find something worth watching.