

Monday 23 September 2024

It Was Bound to Come to an End

     Last of the summer BBQ's at the Seniors' Centre today, followed by Bridge. My partner and I had great cards and won two rubbers which makes up for last week's dismal result. I brought home half of the lunch and will have it for dinner tonight, it was very plentiful!

    I brought in a humungous tomato yesterday, it weighed over a lb. Not sure how I will use it as the large ones tend to be a bit dense so it will probably go into a stew or sauce. The smaller ones are better for sandwiches or salads and there are still plenty of them to pick.  

   The pool will be closed down on Wednesday but I have swum almost every day up until yesterday. The weather has suddenly turned very Autumnal although September has been superb on the whole. A stormy night forecast tonight then cooler temperatures for the rest of the week.

Monday 9 September 2024

Reaping the Harvest

    Terrible cards at Bridge today - I only played one hand and didn't make the contract. It was a ridiculous 5 clubs and I have no idea how we reached that! The other team won two rubbers and were leading in the third when we decided to stop.

   I walked over to the Senior's centre for Bridge and was lucky that it didn't rain coming or going as it was pelting down at one point while we were playing. Good for the garden, though! Things are winding down out there and I have started clearing the beds that are past their best. Some of the perennials are putting on a glorious show, especially the sedum. I will leave it to over winter as it makes an interesting display among the drifts of snow. 

   Still picking tomatoes but the cucumbers, rhubarb and zucchini are done. I made a small jar of rhubarb relish to finish off the last few stalks so that will be a lovely reminder of summer on my meals later in the year. 


Friday 6 September 2024

A Rainy Day

 Have to create a new post in order to get signed in, for some reason. Anybody else experienced that?

    It has rained off and on all day which has been good for the grass and vegetable beds. I didn't try to go to tennis as I was sure the courts would be wet. I had lots of errands to run so filled the day easily. And there was tennis to watch. Jack Draper put up a good fight against numero uno Yannick Sinner. The final on Sunday should be a good match.

   A nice piece of salmon for dinner and I plan to have it with a side of quinoa so better get cracking!

Thursday 29 August 2024

Nearing the End

    After some hot days, the nights are becoming cooler so I am thinking we are approaching the end of the summer. I had a dip in the pool today, after an hour of sweaty gardening, but it may be the last. It's still a month until the pool is closed down so I will try and brave the cooler water for as long as possible. Stay tuned!

    Nothing much going on in my neck of the woods. Last week I went for Dim Sum with some friends from my Probus club, that was a fun and cheap (only $12) lunch and I hope we do it again. I love Dim Sum which means "little treasures". They are bite-sized tasty dumplings and other concoctions both sweet and savoury, and are shared around a table with a lazy susan in the centre.  A very communal way of dining.

   There was another BBQ at the Seniors' Centre last week too which is also a good deal, just $5 for a beef burger, potato salad and coleslaw, with a pop and ice cream included. Can't beat that price!

   This week I have been kept entertained watching the U.S Tennis Open, still one Canadian surviving but he is in the middle of a tight match with a French opponent at the moment. Hope he survives. He has a massive serve which has got him out of trouble in a couple of games so far. Must stop and see how he is doing.