

Friday, 22 September 2023

Enjoying the Great Weather

 I have been without TV for a couple of days but a technician came today (right on time!) and fixed me up with a new system for not just the TV but for the phone and Internet as well. Everything seems to be working beautifully and my monthly payment will be reduced by about $30 for a two year contract! No doubt it will go back up for the new contract but I will worry about that when it happens.

    We had great tennis this morning as it was a perfect day for playing. The only thing I could complain about was the sun in my eyes when I served on the north side of the court. Mun-ju brought a selection of donuts from Tim's to have with our coffee and I had more than my fair share I have to admit. I am watching tennis from Mexico at the moment and they are playing on a bright fuschia court. I think that would be very distracting, I much prefer our blue courts here. The Friday tennis is more of a round robin so we get to play with lots of different people and enjoy socializing over coffee and treats between sets. A very civilized way of spending a lovely Fall morning.

Thursday, 21 September 2023

New Friends and a Found Plant

     It's been a busy week! This morning was the RTO New Retirees Breakfast where we try to recruit new members. It was just a small group of about 25 who attended but the breakfast was delicious, substantial and filling. One new member was from the last school I taught at so it was fun to catch up and hear all the latest gossip news!

    After eating, there were presentations on all the activities the members can participate in. I talked about the Hava Java coffee social, the Knitters and Crafters group, the Bridge club and the Travel outings. After that I could relax and enjoy the rest of the presentations ( Book clubs, Trivia Pursuit Night and the weekly Nordic Pole Walkers to name a few) and socialize with new and old friends. I think we may have got a few new members as there was interest in several of the activities.

   After a very light lunch and a nap I cut the front lawn and trimmed the edges. I found this sedum plant hiding under a bush and trimmed away the foliage to give it more light and space. Next Spring I will try to split it and transplant a piece to another location in the garden. It is such a pretty shade of pink!


Wednesday, 20 September 2023

A Little Adventure

    Since I wasn't needed at the Seniors' Centre today (or next Wednesday for that matter) I decided to join the Nordic Pole Walkers for an hour. The designated walk was beautiful - a part of the Great Lakes Waterfront path - with amazing views of the lake, lots of greenery and wildlife and just an overall feeling of peace with nature.

    There were lots of other walkers and bikers on the path but not so many that it felt congested. Everyone nods and says "HI" as they pass, all of a like mind as far as exercise and enjoying the outdoors goes. It's amazing, once one gets out there, to realize the benefits of sharing an activity with others.

    We stopped by "Mr. Beans" for a coffee and (in my case) a butter tart after the walk. I needed the sugar to replace the energy I had used up. I think most of the others were good and abstained! A thoroughly enjoyable morning but now I am pretty much pooped!

Tuesday, 19 September 2023

Ladies Who Lunch

    Today was the monthly lunch for the Retired Women Teachers Organization I belong to and a good time was had by all. This is as much an excuse to get together as an actual dining experience!

   We met at the local country club and had the dining room to ourselves. Normally there are curling leagues going on but they haven't started yet for the winter session. There is usually a speaker or other entertainment but today there was just a silent auction and a 50/50 draw. I managed to score a box of truffles!

   However, since this was the first lunch since the summer break, there was lots to catch up on with new and old friends. Salad, BBQ chicken and rhubarb pie with ice cream was served so no need for a meal tonight. I will just have my go-to snack of a BLT (still trying to keep up with the mountain of tomatoes).

It's just gone 6:00 p.m. and the sun is already behind the houses to the west of me. The nights are really drawing in!