

Thursday, 7 September 2023

Hi Jinks in the Pool

    On the Monday holiday the family came over for a swim as it was so hot. Judy brought dinner so, while the kids cavorted in the pool, Dave barbecued hamburgers. There was quite a feast, potato salad, bean salad, and corn as well as the burgers. I sneaked some leftovers for my dinner next day!

   They stayed in the pool well into the evening as it was still so warm but eventually everyone had had enough so it was time to dry off and it was time to head home. The kids and Judy were back to school the next day so had some organizing to do. I was just happy to have the house to myself again although having this lively bunch here is always fun.

Wednesday, 6 September 2023

Labour Day

    Monday was a federal holiday and marks the end of summer here. It was blisteringly hot - 30C + and very humid. Many people head out of town for a last blast at the cottage or by a lake but for me it started off with the tennis social. I arrived early to help set up and once that was done headed for an empty court. I only lasted 40 minutes due to the heat and spent the next hour in the air-conditioned club house. I always know when it's time to quite as my face turns beet red!

   There were about 80 people in attendance and we were served a lovely lunch around noon, jerk chicken, Jamaican patties and green salad, followed by watermelon and chocolate brownies. It was very filling (plus I was expecting another big meal later that evening) so I took the patty and the brownie home with me. The patty was especially tasty, not too spicy, and I will definitely try it again.

   I had turned on the pool heater before I left in the morning and the water was nicely warm by the time I got home. All I needed before the family arrived was a short nap so with that I will close and relate the rest of the day another time. It is still very hot three days later but we are promised some cooler temperatures by the end of the week, thank goodness. 

Friday, 1 September 2023

The Tail End of Summer

    So much for blogging every day! The days seem to flash past and by the time I settle down in the evening to check e-mails and read other blogs, I have lost the notion for composing an entry.

   Now that the summer holidays are over and kids will be back in school next week, we can expect some changes. The one that affects me most is increased traffic on the roads. Today I sailed down to the tennis club in about 15 mins., next week it will take me at least double that. I have also noticed it is getting dark by 8:30, another sign of the waning summer days.

    The weather has not changed much and the next few days are supposed to be hot and steamy - something to do with the arctic vortex changing direction. I will enjoy it while it lasts! I am still getting in the pool most days although it is a tad chilly now as there are less hours of sunlight to heat it up. Meanwhile we have a long weekend coming up as Monday is Labour Day so I have lots of plans. 

   So pretty, too bad it only lasts a day or two.

   The latest haul from the garden. I will have to get these tomatoes prepped for the freezer as there are still more coming! They are all ripening at the same time. Mostly I eat the grape tomatoes as is and the big ones go into tomato sauce for pasta or chili, but I do love a big fat tomato sandwich for lunch!

Sunday, 27 August 2023

Still Struggling With Technology

    A pretty decent day, especially the late afternoon while I was working in the garden. I even managed a dip in the pool and, fortunately, the sun stuck around until I dried off. I used some leftover chicken in a salad for dinner, nice and easy and tasty too!

   I used my new credit card at the drug store this morning but it wouldn't give me my PC points. Another long wait on the phone didn't accomplish anything so I will have to try again tomorrow. At least I know it is activated and I will be able to use it from now on.