

Monday, 21 August 2023

This, That and the Other

    Missed yesterday (I'm trying to blog every day) as there really wasn't anything worth talking about. I did use up some more of the gigantic cauliflower and will be eating it again tonight. And we played tennis in the morning, it was nice and cool for a change. We have decided to go back to a 9:00 a.m. start next week so an extra hour in bed - yippee!

   Today was a slow start - I worked out for an hour (gently!) and had a late breakfast followed by a wallow in the tub. Then off to Bridge with a light packed lunch. More gardening when I got home and a swim after as it was sweaty work. I am trying to clear a bed which has got very overgrown. Here's the progress so far.

    I am hoping to transplant an evergreen shrub there once it is cleared but it is hard slogging! There seems to be a very dense root system down there.

Saturday, 19 August 2023

Stocking Up on Books

    The weather has improved today as the wind has changed direction and is no longer blowing from the north. I did very little today aside from pottering around the house (laundry, kitchen tidy-up, etc.), picking up some new library books and cutting the back grass. I needed a swim after that as it was hot, sweaty work. The water was on the cool side but so refreshing!

   I am now well stocked up with reading material (I'm not a very fast reader) so these three books should last me a couple of weeks. I hate to run out of books!

   I can't wait to get into the Kate Morton book as I am sure I will enjoy it. I have read several other novels she has written. This one is set in Australia and the small section I read this afternoon sounds intriguing!

Friday, 18 August 2023

Quite a Turn in the Weather

   It was on the cool side today, just the high teens, and a very strong wind, but we played tennis for a couple of hours anyway. Fortunately, the wind screens on the courts cut down some of the wind. On my way home I stopped in at Metro (the only one near me where the workers are not on strike!) to pick up a few groceries and still had time to do a bit of gardening before lunch. A productive morning.

    The weather continued to be miserable after lunch (it was positively chilly and some rain) so I got to work in the kitchen and made a pot of cauliflower soup, a zucchini loaf and breaded chicken with roasted vegetables for my dinner. Having the oven on really warmed up the kitchen.

    That should be it for zucchinis for this year, I am just relieved I managed to use them up as they appeared. Some seemed to grow to full size overnight! I gave three away but used all the others. There is one small one left that will be fritters in a day or two.

   Watching tennis from Cincinnati on TV this evening and quite a few of the seeds have fallen already. Semis tomorrow and the Finals on Sunday so I have my TV watching all arranged.

Thursday, 17 August 2023

RODEO (Retired Old Dames Eating Out)

     An early start at the tennis courts - supposed to be 8:00 a.m. but all four of us were late so we didn't really get started until 8:20. We were done by 10:00 when the next booking started and felt we deserved a rest, then Cathy invited us to her place for a light lunch - hamburgers, bean salad and rhubarb cake with a small glass of wine. I nipped home to change first and have a cooling swim, then grabbed a jar of homemade jam and a bottle of wine as a hostess gift.

    Unfortunately, I forgot my camera but we had a lovely time eating and putting the world to rights. I was the lucky recipient of the leftover bean salad which will be tonight's dinner. I certainly won't need anything else!