

Wednesday, 16 August 2023

My Wednesday Schedule

    Wednesday is my day at the Seniors Centre but first I did a quick grocery shop, for fresh fruit and veg. The grapes were so nice today (sometimes they're not) and I bought a small bunch - $3.00 yikes! I also got a humungous cauliflower, a much better buy, for $2.99. It will do me several meals and a pot of soup. I'm sure!

    The Seniors Centre was buzzing with activity as usual and I sold lots of coffee, cookies and pies. There were Fitness classes, Belly dancing. Line dancing, Snooker and Art classes. I take the "Stretch and Strength" class at 10:15 then, after a coffee break, start in the kitchen at 11:45. I meant to get a photo of me in the kitchen but my camera battery died.

    It was "Fruit Day" and we all took full advantage of the treats. Also tried for a photo of the Fitness class but, no luck there either.

   Since coming home I have been in the pool and enjoying the sun in the back yard. I find it's better to wait until early evening as the water has warmed up a bit and the sun isn't as strong. We had a high of 27C today and mainly blue skies.

Tuesday, 15 August 2023

Getting Back to Daily Blogging

    Yesterday at Bridge our missing member sent news that she will be available in September. So I have decided to step back from the Monday group to make room for her. I will still be available as a "spare" as things do come up to prevent people from attending. My other Bridge group (which is a bit more challenging) starts up again next month on a Tuesday so I will attend that.

   Today started off with a couple of hours of tennis but since this was the "drop-in" group I didn't rush over. I had two sets and was home by 11:15. After a brief respite I cut the front grass as rain was threatening and it hadn't been cut in over a week. The weeds are pretty bad too but I will wait until there's a good soaking to get to work on them.

   There is tennis on TV this week from Cincinnati so I watched that for a while. After lunch I had a brief nap then got a loaf of bread started in the bread machine. While it was chugging away I got to work on the glut of tomatoes and made a vegetarian sauce to go in the freezer. The bread turned out well!

   When it has cooled I will slice it for the freezer. It tastes really good for lunch with some cheese and chopped tomatoes - my "go-to" lunch while the tomatoes are in season! 

Monday, 14 August 2023

Harvesting and Volunteering

    I have been absent from blogging for the past week as I was volunteering at our local tennis tournament. It was a 1000 level ATP event so was well attended by players and fans so it was a busy week. After the final yesterday the volunteers were treated to a party with lots of good food, drink and prizes, and I received the MVP award for my committee (mainly because it was my 18th year as a volunteer!)

While away all week my garden has continued to flourish so I did a massive cull of all the ripe tomatoes and zucchinis today. Tomorrow I will need to blanch, peel and chop the tomatoes for the freezer as there are more almost ready to pick. The zucchinis will probably be eaten right away.

Friday, 11 August 2023

First Red Pepper

 ......and it's a beauty! There's another slightly smaller one that's still quite green. I think that might be it for this plant.