Wednesday is my day at the Seniors Centre but first I did a quick grocery shop, for fresh fruit and veg. The grapes were so nice today (sometimes they're not) and I bought a small bunch - $3.00 yikes! I also got a humungous cauliflower, a much better buy, for $2.99. It will do me several meals and a pot of soup. I'm sure!
The Seniors Centre was buzzing with activity as usual and I sold lots of coffee, cookies and pies. There were Fitness classes, Belly dancing. Line dancing, Snooker and Art classes. I take the "Stretch and Strength" class at 10:15 then, after a coffee break, start in the kitchen at 11:45. I meant to get a photo of me in the kitchen but my camera battery died.
It was "Fruit Day" and we all took full advantage of the treats. Also tried for a photo of the Fitness class but, no luck there either.
Since coming home I have been in the pool and enjoying the sun in the back yard. I find it's better to wait until early evening as the water has warmed up a bit and the sun isn't as strong. We had a high of 27C today and mainly blue skies.