

Friday, 7 July 2023

My First Zucchini!

 .......and it's a whopper! I have been checking the plants regularly and could see a few small ones. But then, all of a sudden, there was this humungous specimen! I'm just glad I didn't miss it entirely as I wouldn't want it to get any bigger.

I think I may make some zucchini fritters tonight although I found some decent recipes that would be worth trying.

Thursday, 6 July 2023

Break In The Weather

    It was extremely hot and humid again this morning, getting up to 31C, but some cooler weather rolled in this afternoon along with some rain. It's now 23C but still quite humid. Much more bearable, however. I should be able to sleep well tonight.

    I was in the pool twice today for a much needed cooling off, once after tennis and again after doing a bit of gardening. I don't think I could work in the garden without being able to take a dip afterwards. The flowers are doing well but the weeds are going crazy!

My clematis has finally decided to bloom. It had no flowers last year at all as it had to be moved when the back fence was rebuilt so I wasn't sure I would get anything this year again. However, some fresh compost and some TLC seem to have done the trick.


After spending the winter indoors, it always takes a while for this plant to get going. I counted five more buds on the way. It gets full sun for the afternoon and early evening.

Tuesday, 4 July 2023

Temperatures Rising

 Too hot today (32C) to sit outside or work in the garden. I tried this afternoon after my second swim but was very quickly scorched. So all I did was give the plants a good soaking and fill the bird bath before retiring indoors. I have less shade in the back yard since the Blue Spruce came down last summer so it can be blisteringly hot.

    My first swim was after tennis, around 11:00 a.m. and it was SO refreshing! The water was just under 80F and gained a couple of degrees by the afternoon. No need for the heater today. So I spent the afternoon indoors reading and working on my latest jigsaw puzzle with the AC humming away. This is just the second really hot humid spell we have had here this summer so we can count ourselves lucky to have avoided the extremes that have afflicted other parts of the continent.

Saturday, 1 July 2023

Canada Day

     I was a little late putting up the flag today but, never mind, I was out all morning at the tennis courts for a round robin and lunch. It was very hot and humid and I only managed one set. In fact I felt quite nauseous after I came off the court and had to sit in the air conditioned lounge to recover, maybe a combination of the heat and the smoky conditions. I was amazed that people managed to stay out there for over an hour!

     We were served a lovely lunch of BBQ chicken and pork kebabs, potato and green salad and a special Canada Day cake. We all dressed in some combination of red and white, our national colours, and there were drills for those energetic enough to prolong their stay outdoors. Finally, some lucky draws but I didn't win anything this time.

    There was thunder rumbling around by the time I got home and a spattering of rain but not enough to soak the garden. At least it stayed away until after the festivities were over! I expect there will be fireworks this evening but I hope not too many as it would only add to the poor air quality. Our new normal, I guess.