

Monday, 21 March 2022

Starting to Get Out More

   It has been a long, long wait  but finally things are beginning to open up here. Masks are no longer mandatory (except for a few exceptions) but many people are planning to keep them on for a few more weeks. I can't wait to resume most of the activities I used to do pre-Covid!  

   Last week I added two Scottish Country dancing classes to my weekly schedule as they finally started back so that is Mon., Tues. and Fri. evenings busy. Tomorrow I will be going back to the Bridge group (will need some refreshers as I have only played online since March 2020 but that will get my brain working) - can't believe that will be two activities on the same day.

   On Thursday the monthly Probus meetings will start up and if that's not enough excitement, I got a call to come in to the Senior's Centre to serve in the kitchen. My shift will be Wednesday afternoon again this year, that starts on April 6th. Also that week the Fitness classes resume and I have signed up for Yoga as well. 

    On top of all that, the tennis clubs are opening in April so I must send in my membership fee so I can get out there when the weather is nice. Hard to believe how everything is coming back to life. Be still my beating heart!

Sunday, 20 March 2022

This and That

   It was a pretty miserable day yesterday with rain on and off all day. So I had the chance to finish this new (to me) puzzle which has kept me entertained for the last week or so. It is quite a whopper but not particularly difficult.


 Yesterday's rain got rid of almost all the remaining snow piles but my snow bank is hanging on although remarkably diminished. Won't be long now until it is gone.

Saturday, 19 March 2022

A New Author

     I have just started this book by Katrine Engberg, a Danish author I recently discovered. She writes crime novels with the same two detectives solving the cases. The first was "The Tenant" which I enjoyed and there is a third one, "The Harbor" which I have reserved from the library. So that should keep me busy for a few weeks.

    Another treat is in store for me although it won't be for a while. There is a new Donna Leon book coming soon to the library but there are already 220 people ahead of me in the line. I hope the library has ordered plenty of copies! This one also features Commisario Brunetti and all the other endearing characters which make her detective stories so comfortable to read. It's like listening to old friends. Can't wait!

Friday, 18 March 2022

Shrinking Slightjy

   Despite two sunny days with the temperatures in the low 'teens, the snow bank has only shrunk a little. Rain is forecast for tomorrow so that might speed things up a bit. However, I am now able to get out of the driveway without having to drive over an icy mound, so things are looking up!

More grass showing today.