

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

One More Thing

    Just when I thought things were finally getting done, I woke up to a rather cold house this morning. The temperature was 13C, no wonder I got up in the middle of the night to put an extra layer on the bed!

   I got on to the energy company toute suite, and within minutes had an appointment booked for later in the morning. Very efficient! The technician came around 10:00 a.m. and had things sorted quite quickly - it was the thermostat not the furnace which was the problem. 

    Yesterday's trip to the car dealer went without a hitch although I decided just to wait for the work to be completed instead of bussing home and back. A couple of little repairs needed but not too serious for a 14 yr. old car! I was there for three hours so not much else accomplished.

   It has been a miserable day today and I haven't been outdoors at all. But I am thankful for a nice cozy house once more!       

Sunday, 24 October 2021

Good news!

 My neighbour coughed up for her portion of the repair to our communal fence after complaints about the guys I had hired to do it. Of course she had the option to find someone else but never did, so it was up to me.  So money in the bank and I am solvent again!

   Still waiting for the electrician to install a new outlet for the stove but he has agreed to come on Wednesday. Things are getting done. One minor annoyance - the car dealership is not providing taxiing service because of Covid so I will have to bus it home after dropping off my car tomorrow. I'm hoping daughter will be able to drop me off on her way home from work to pick it up. It should be ready by then. Best laid plans and all that!

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Things Finally Working Out

    Judy came for lunch on Tuesday as it was her birthday and we had a lovely chat although she had to be back at work in an hour. After tennis I went and picked up Dim Sum at the local Chinese supermarket. It was a bit tricky as I didn't know the name of the items I wanted - a lot of pointing and gesturing as English was a second language for most of the girls behind the counter, but a fun experience! I got home just before Judy arrived and popped the Dim Sum in the steamer to keep it warm. Then we had it with a pot of green tea.

   One less thing to worry about - the back fence got fixed today. It looks so much more sturdy and I am very happy to have it upright again. My neighbour has agreed to help with the cost - as they say, "good fences make good neighbours", so I hope she is as happy with the work done on it as I am.

   And, "hallelujah!" the guys are supposedly coming tomorrow to fix my leaky basement. Frankly I will believe it when I see it as I have been on the phone to them several times to get the job done. Stay posted!

Monday, 18 October 2021

Heating Turned On

    When I got up this morning it was only 14C in the house so I started up the furnace. I may turn it off again later in the week but, for just now, it's needed! I have brought in all my outdoor pots just in case there is frost. The plants all look so healthy having spent the last few months outdoors.

   It was cold at tennis on Sunday but I was quite comfortable (compared to one of my friends) as I was dressed in layers. Having said that I must say I didn't shed any layers as we played. The Scandinavians have a saying, "There is no bad weather, just bad clothes", and I entirely agree. No point in being cold when you can add another layer!

    Still without my stove. The repair man came today and replaced the part but now I need an electrician as it seems it's the outlet which is at fault. That won't happen until next week, I'm afraid, but I have one booked.

    The car is booked for its service next week and I will call to have the furnace serviced before the end of the month - always something needing doing!