Just when I thought things were finally getting done, I woke up to a rather cold house this morning. The temperature was 13C, no wonder I got up in the middle of the night to put an extra layer on the bed!
I got on to the energy company toute suite, and within minutes had an appointment booked for later in the morning. Very efficient! The technician came around 10:00 a.m. and had things sorted quite quickly - it was the thermostat not the furnace which was the problem.
Yesterday's trip to the car dealer went without a hitch although I decided just to wait for the work to be completed instead of bussing home and back. A couple of little repairs needed but not too serious for a 14 yr. old car! I was there for three hours so not much else accomplished.
It has been a miserable day today and I haven't been outdoors at all. But I am thankful for a nice cozy house once more!