A heat wave has engulfed our part of the country although I hear it is worse out west. Today it is still 30C at 6:30 in the evening. The AC has clicked on for just the second time this summer - I keep it set at 25C - as I manage the heat in the house by closing windows and drapes first thing in the morning then opening everything up at night. Tonight I may not do that if it remains hot.
We had an early (8:00 a.m.) game of tennis this morning but I only lasted until shortly after 9:00 as it was very humid. The others kept playing for another few minutes by which time they were pretty well done too. Home and straight into the pool! It's amazing how even a quick dip brings down your body temperature.
I attempted a bit of gardening when it became overcast later in the afternoon and followed that up with another dip, but mainly I spent the afternoon reading in the shade. We could really do with a shower or two although that will probably just add to the humidity. It will probably continue this way for the rest of the week.