

Friday, 13 September 2019

Trip to Port Colborne

   Managed to crawl out of my sick bed yesterday and make it to the pick up point in time for the trip to Port Colborne. I slept for part of the journey so was somewhat rejuvinated by the time we arrived. We had a chance to stretch our legs and wander along the Port Promenade before lunch.

   Port Colborne is on the shores of Lake Erie at the southern end of the Welland Canal. It was once an important city but time has passed it by as Lake travel has declined in importance. We browsed some of the stores along the Port Promenade then had lunch at the Canalside Restaurant. 

    The purpose of our trip was to see a Norm Foster play at the local theatre. He is quite a prolific playwright, originally from Toronto but a Nova Scotian by choice, hence the name of this production - `Lunenburg`. The theatre was quite a small intimate venue so we were ùp close and personal`with the cast. A very amusing, often rollicking, script with lots of laughs and a few serious moments. Thoroughly enjoyed by all. 

    Slept again on the way home (thank you bus driver) and am continuing to improve. I tried a game of tennis this morning but didn`t last long so I will need a restful weekend to fully mend.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Still Sick

   Finally went to get my sore throat sorted today - it has been getting steadily worse and last night I was having trouble getting my breath. It was rattling in my chest every time I took a breath. I had to go to Emerg as my doctor doesn't work on a Wednesday (not at her practice anyway, maybe she's in hospital that day). It took four hours but I got blood work, a chest X-ray, a breathing test (which I failed miserably) and got hooked up to an oxygen tank which was dispensing some sort of breathing medication. I have never had problems with my chest or lungs so I suspect it is some kind of virus. Anyway the doctor gave me penicillin and two different puffers so I should be on the mend pretty soon. I have to see a lung specialist in a week or two.

    After that marathon I came home and slept for three hours and I am sure I will sleep well tonight. There's nothing like a good night's sleep to help you mend.

   One other comment. I didn't park in the hospital parking lot. Can you imagine what 4 hours would have cost me! I parked on a side street and, despite being a bit wobbly on my feet, walked to the hospital. I wasn't the only one either!

Saturday, 7 September 2019

Big Disappointment

     Honestly, I could spit!  I had planned my day around watching the final of the U. S. Open Ladies Final at 4:00 p.m. Unfortunately, my cable service was out (seemingly over most of the GTA) so I had to just follow the score on the live feed. Bianca won quite convincingly (6-3, 7-5) but I would sure have loved to watch the match! Maybe they will show it later but it's not the same when you already know the outcome. She is a true champion and is breaking records all over the place!

Today's crop of potatoes - this was from three plants. I still have at least another dozen to dig up but will wait until these are eaten.

 My throat is still sore when I swallow and I had a disturbed night, but I had a long sleep this afternoon to make up for it, nearly two hours. That in itself is a sign I am not 100%. I am hoping to play tennis tomorrow morning so, fingers crossed it improves before then.


Friday, 6 September 2019

A New Macine

   I have been suffering with a scratchy throat for the last few days - this morning my voice was really husky - but it hasn't affected me physically. I managed quite a lot of tennis this morning. We were lucky because rain arrived early in the afternoon, not much but enough to wet the courts.

    My challenge this afternoon was to purchase a new washing machine. I found a good deal at Home Depot, with a substantial rebate because it was a high efficiency model. However, it won't be delivered until next Saturday so I will have to use the old machine one more time, with the inevitable puddle! The purchase includes removing and disposing of the old machine, installing the new one and connecting all the hoses.

My 20+ year old machine - I wonder how long the new one will last!