Bridge was cancelled this afternoon as two members were sick in bed, but I went to Craft club in the morning - not a great turnout because the roads are still a bit slippery. I just hope we have a better showing at dance group this evening as we need 16 people to break even - we each pay $5, the teacher gets $40 and the rent of the hall is $35. We have only been getting between 12 and 14 people most weeks so are rather in the red at this point in the year. Not good!
My Fitbit is refusing to start up - I may need some tech support to get it going. The problem seems to be that I don't have Bluetooth (whatever that is) on my computer and the "dongle" (truly that's what it's called) which came with the Fitbit doesn't seem to like my computer. Well, I have gone without one for some time so there's no rush to get it started. But if anyone out in cyberland has any helpful advice for me it would be appreciated!