

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Two Treats

   Much cooler today - only got up to 18C - with a north wind. I walked to the mall (about 20 mins.) to get my library book - it's good! - and cashed in $10 worth of Air Miles at Metro. I love free food! That is the only time I shop at Metro as it is more expensive than No Frills.

   Speaking of free food - I had a trip to Bulk Barn yesterday to use a $3 off coupon and, of course, spent more than I needed to use the coupon, probably the strategy behind the offer! But cashews were on special so that's my treat.

   My new library book is "Harbour Street" by Ann Cleves (I wonder if she is a descendant of the wife of Henry VIII with the same name) and this book and others have been made into a TV series which I have enjoyed in the past. The main character is DI Vera Stanhope, an unprepossessing but astute policewoman who is very good at solving murders.

   Lunch with the Probus ladies today. We went to Watt's Restaurant and I had a very good bacon and tomato quiche with salad. So just soup and a tomato sandwich for dinner (and the aforementioned cashews!).

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

A Break From the Heat

     Another record set yesterday but today is considerably cooler. It got up to 27C this afternoon but by the time I was walking home from the senior's centre it was clouding over and there were a few spits of rain. I still had to water the garden but it is now down to 21C. I have all the windows open and the house is quite comfortable. No need for air conditioning tonight!

   I finished my current book this afternoon but there is one waiting for me at the library so that will be my first port of call tomorrow. Meanwhile I will start to reread a book we will be discussing at Book Club next month.

   Pottered in the garden for a while but it's not looking great. The hot weather plus my lack of enthusiasm in the heat have meant it has got somewhat out-of-hand. I have basically only been keeping the grass cut and that hasn't been necessary recently. It was very quiet at the coffee bar this afternoon - I only sold 8 cups of coffee and one pie! Hardly worth my while to be there. However, I had no other place I had to be and at least I got to chat with some of the regulars.

    Something with broccoli for dinner tonight as I need some fibre in my diet!

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Still Hot But No Record

   You would have been surprised how many people were at the tennis courts (and actually playing!) this morning as it was still very hot and humid. At least 30 showed up and most were still there when I left. I tried to get there early but the traffic was very heavy and it was already hot when I arrived. I managed two sets but by 10:30 I was done! I sat chatting with a coffee for a bit but was home by 11:00 for a cold shower.

   I had slept badly last night so had a long nap this afternoon. I'm still a bit beat so I think it will be an early night. I spent the afternoon reading my current book, "The Secret Supper" - a medieval murder mystery (how's that for an alliteration?). It's quite good and holding my attention. It's about Leonardo da Vinci and his painting of The Last Supper which is supposed to be full of symbolism and cryptic messages.

   Fish and a corn cob for dinner. I had a lovely lunch of cauliflower soup, a hard boiled egg, crackers, cheese and tomatoes, quite nutritious but not too filling.

Monday, 25 September 2017

A New Record

   Yesterday's temperature set a record for September 24 with a high of 32.3C. Today may also be a record - a scorcher at noon so I was only out for a few minutes, running to and from the car and watering the tomatoes.

    Hava Java Social this morning - Donna has asked me to run next month's meeting -  and I managed to recruit a new member for my other group, RWTO. Then off to Bridge despite feeling dizzy and having a headache. Luckily both locations were air conditioned! Hope I'm not coming down with something as the rest of the week is quite busy.

   No dinner tonight as I am also feeling squeamish. I'll eat when I get home from dance group if I'm hungry. There will be cake there and punch!