

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Finally the Rain Has Stopped

   I had difficulty sleeping last night and I know exactly why. We were entertaining at a church supper yesterday evening and were given coffee and strudel after. I knew I shouldn't have drunk the coffee but it went so well with the strudel (which was delicious) that  I threw caution to the winds. Bad idea!

   I picked up the grandkids at 9:30 this morning despite feeling sleep deprived and we headed to a free tennis lesson at a local tennis club. It was on the cool side but they were well wrapped up. The sun came out as we arrived, no rain today. Unfortunately, the organizers, in their infinite wisdom, had decided to postpone the event due to the weather. We were all very disappointed especially as the cancellation message was sent out after we left home! Instead we went to my tennis club and hit balls for a while with mixed success - not the way I had planned the morning to go. After lunch I took the kids back home and finally got back to my place for much needed nap. I hope I sleep better tonight, I will just have camomile tea or hot milk before I go to bed.

    I got the front grass cut this afternoon and tidied up the borders but that did me in and I have been stretched out on the sofa reading since.

Friday, 5 May 2017

A Dreary Day

   Fire's on again today and it is going down to 4C tonight and 1C tomorrow night. It has rained all day and yesterday as well, so we are thoroughly waterlogged! No tennis this morning and I couldn't work in the garden either so resorted to a jigsaw puzzle to pass the time.

   The rest of the day I spent reading (I did do my morning workout) and will soon have the TV on. This weather is getting me down. When will we see some sun?

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Printer Purchased and Installed

   Feeling very proud of myself today as I have accomplished this dreaded task - I am rather technology challenged! The only problem is the printer I bought only prints in black and white - no colour. I guess I presumed it did colour or didn't register when the salesman told me it was just black and white. Luckily I don't need colour very often. Now I won't need to be running to the library every time I need something printed. They only do black and white there too.

   It has rained all day today and hasn't got above 10C - we are getting rather waterlogged! I had planned to cut the grass this afternoon but it was just too wet. I went to mahjong this morning and Pauline taught us a new rule. Now we are all thrown into a state of flux and trying to absorb this new information. I have missed the last two weeks so it felt like starting from scratch.

   I am treating myself to several jumbo shrimp fried in garlic butter tonight - no special occasion, just feel like a treat. I won't even worry about any pasta or veggies, just have a small salad with it, and lots of seafood sauce. Yummy!!

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

First Day of Kafeeklatsch

   For my new readers, Kaffeeklatsch is the tennis social I help to run at the outdoors tennis courts, and today was our inaugural day. Unfortunately, the weather gods did not shine kindly on us as we had a very cool day and the rain started after just half an hour of play. Our usual turnout is between 30 and 40 players (we have six courts) but we had only six hardy folk who showed up.

   However, there was coffee so we retired to the clubhouse for a cup of java and a chinwag as we hadn`t seen each other since last October. The upside was that I was able to get to Bridge class by 11:30 and benefit from Frank`s superb instruction. That lasted until 2:30 as we bring our lunch and take a break around 1:00 to refuel.

  I had a very tasty hors dòevres (don`t think I spelled that correctly) with a glass of rosé tonight. It was half a mashed avocado covered with salsa and a topping of grated, extra old cheddar and tostitos to dip into it. Chicken thighs are going in the oven shortly with a mushroom sauce and I will finish off the broccoli casserole and sweet potato mash from yesterday.

   It only got up to 10C today - we are still waiting for more seasonal temperatures. At least all the rain is helping the grass and the spring flowers grow!