

Monday, 23 January 2017

Another Haggis Meal

    More haggis tonight - it's my Scottish dance group's Rabbie Burns night. After dancing for an hour,  the haggis will be piped in and addressed. Then it is eviscerated with a dagger and we all dive in for a taste. All very exciting!

"Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face,
Great chieftain o' the puddin' race!
Aboon them a' ye tak your place.
Painch, tripe or thairm:
Weel are ye worthy of a grace
as lang's my airm.

    Another mild day - up to 4C and we had sun this afternoon. It was almost Spring like! I had to stop off at the library (a lost book to pay for) on the way to Bridge this afternoon, otherwise I would have walked there. Maybe next week.

    I have mashed potatoes to make to go along with the haggis and 'neeps (turnip) so better get going. 

Saturday, 21 January 2017

First Haggis Meal

    We had a lovely meal at St. Paul's Church this morning before doing our demo. It was heavy on the Ceilidh dances which made it easy on us. Lots of youngsters in the audience and they were all keen to dance which is quite different from our usual audience in the retirement homes!

    On the way to the demo I picked up the haggis for Monday night - it was $50! I hope everyone enjoys it at that price. It is rather bigger than we usually get but we have some pretty enthusiastic haggis eaters in our group. We usually have about twenty attending Burn's night.

   Today's lunch was pretty substantial so I haven't eaten much for dinner tonight. In fact I heated up a bowl of soup but couldn't finish it, a first for me. Maybe some fruit or a cup of tea later.

Friday, 20 January 2017

This and That

   Not too many of the blogs I follow had an entry today but Elsa in Bulgaria can be relied on to always write something - and often with several photos. She`s snowed under at the moment.

   Meanwhile, in Canuck land we have mostly green grass and mild temperatures - it was 4C for most of today. Fitness class this morning, chatting with my friends and then a few items to pick up at the grocery store. I also had to pick up some disposable plates at the dollar store for Monday`s Burns Night supper. I  think we are all set as I dug up napkins and plastic knives and forks from my supply here at home. I will pick up the haggis tomorrow on the way to our next demo. All I have to do is make mashed tatties (potatoes) on Monday. Someone else will be bringing the `neeps (turnips).

   There was tennis from the Australian Open on TV this afternoon so that took up some time.  I watched the Trump inauguration as well but not for long. I also got started on typing up the Minutes from the last RTO meeting but will finish that on Sunday. Tomorrow will be a busy day.

Thursday, 19 January 2017

A Meal Out - and I deserved it!

   I was out for most of the day again (saving on heating costs as I don't turn the heat up until I get home). It was another mild day but the sun we were promised failed to appear. Maybe tomorrow?

   Picked up a book from the library before going on to the Probus meeting. The speaker's subject today was "Does Canada Need a Defense Policy?" It was surprisingly interesting as he was an excellent speaker and there were lots of good questions after his talk, and the answer is: yes we do need a defense  policy but maybe not the one we have right now. Food for thought, for sure.

    A quick lunch and change into my demo clothes before heading over to the west end for today's demo. It was at Valleyview Retirement Home and, truth to tell, if I had known how far away it was, I wouldn't have volunteered to go! However, the residents enjoyed our performance and we had none of the problems at yesterday's show. In fact I think we were almost perfect!

   By the time I got home it was too late to take anything out of the freezer for dinner so, instead of trying to cobble together something from an almost empty fridge, I went over to Swiss Chalet for their Ribs and Chicken special. This was the last day - what perfect timing - and it was delicious!