

Monday, 23 November 2015

A Chilly Night

    I am having a lazy morning - slept until 8:15, very unusual for me - and, since I couldn't connect with the internet at all yesterday (again!), decided to try this morning. And, voila, it works!

   Yesterday was a pretty full day for me, which is unusual for a Sunday. I was out of the house by 10:15 to get to the Atherton's for brunch. It was Natalie's 8th birthday on Saturday so the family was invited to help her celebrate. We were all there, including Lucy the dog, and had a lovely meal courtesy of Judy and Dave. The grandkids were all in fine fettle (and voice) and Natalie was her usual exuberant self - only more so with all the excitement.

   I left there around 1:15 to attend a demo practice. Moira put us through our paces (and then some!) so when we finished with a rousing rendition of "Chrysanthemum" (Google it if you want to see what I mean, it's a square set dance and quite lively), I was thoroughly exhausted.  She doesn't give breaks!

   I had to go by the ATM on the way home but luckily it was a drive-through so I didn't need to get out of the car. I spent the evening with my feet up on the couch, heating up leftovers later for dinner. Today I feel much better but have another busy day ahead, so will make the most of this quiet morning at home. It got below zero last night and is still only 4C so there is no temptation to go outdoors and work in the garden.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Problems Connecting

   I wasn't able to connect to the internet yesterday until late evening, thus no entry. Nothing much happened - Probus meeting in the morning, bridge after lunch (played two good hands but my partner, Pinkie, and I were very frustrated by Sami who bid high just to prevent us from having the contract and then went down four under! That's not kosher.) Finally a nice relaxing swim and soak in the hot tub. 

   Today is much colder and very windy but sunny. No snow yet but it's forecast for the weekend. Fitness class in the morning, a stop off at the library to pick up two books and then, after lunch, card making with June and Trudy instructing us. We made three lovely cards and a little gift box. It was fun and my cards came out well. Trudy wants to have another class in January and I thought I might ask Judy if she wants to try it. 

    Fish for dinner tonight, so I'd better get cracking. Luckily it doesn't take long to cook. I'll bake it in the oven with some oven fries.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Printer Problem Still Not Solved

    The day started out nicely, sunny but a bit on the cool side. I needed gloves when I walked over to the Senior's Centre for my stint in the coffee bar. But now it is raining and I understand it is to get quite cold overnight. We really haven't had any significant frost yet but this might be the first.

   Just the usual Wednesday activities and dinner tonight is salmon and quinoa. Stephen dropped by on his way home from work - we almost missed each other - to see if his laptop worked with my printer, which it did. So the problem is definitely the compatibility (or lack thereof) with Windows 10. Be warned! We have come to the conclusion I will have to replace the printer. So, if anyone is interested in a slightly used printer (and they haven't upgraded to Windows 10) let me know.

    I have finally managed to find a way to upload photos, thanks to Steve. Here's one I have been saving.

This was taken in June at Edwards Gardens. Natalie, James and me at :Dancing in the Park".

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Turkey Lunch and a Pumpkin Tart

    Much colder today but I still went out with just my jacket. I took some gloves but didn't really need them as the sun was shining. Mind you, although it was very windy, I was just running from house to car to The Estates where we had our monthly lunch.

    The meal was good - a nice salad, rather dry turkey and stuffing, saved only by the gravy, and lots of beans and carrots. Dessert was the usual ice cream and coffee. It was our Christmas lunch so there were piles of gifts for children to be donated to charity.  There were a ton of books donated for the book sale table (which I run) and we made almost $40 - that's 80 books sold! Still lots left for the next lunch.

   After the big meal I slept the afternoon away and stayed reading in bed until almost 5:00 p.m. I hope I can sleep tonight! I still wasn't hungry so just fried up a sausage and put it in a bun with lashings of mustard for dinner. I think I had enough vegetables at lunch. Nothing much on TV tonight so I may just finish the Louise Penny book I am reading. There are two books waiting for me at the library so I had better get cracking.

   Wendy brought pumpkin chiffon tarts to bridge yesterday and I still have one in the fridge so I think I will just go and indulge myself right now! They were delicious. Tomorrow I can start on a diet.