Yesterday was a pretty full day for me, which is unusual for a Sunday. I was out of the house by 10:15 to get to the Atherton's for brunch. It was Natalie's 8th birthday on Saturday so the family was invited to help her celebrate. We were all there, including Lucy the dog, and had a lovely meal courtesy of Judy and Dave. The grandkids were all in fine fettle (and voice) and Natalie was her usual exuberant self - only more so with all the excitement.
I left there around 1:15 to attend a demo practice. Moira put us through our paces (and then some!) so when we finished with a rousing rendition of "Chrysanthemum" (Google it if you want to see what I mean, it's a square set dance and quite lively), I was thoroughly exhausted. She doesn't give breaks!
I had to go by the ATM on the way home but luckily it was a drive-through so I didn't need to get out of the car. I spent the evening with my feet up on the couch, heating up leftovers later for dinner. Today I feel much better but have another busy day ahead, so will make the most of this quiet morning at home. It got below zero last night and is still only 4C so there is no temptation to go outdoors and work in the garden.