It is much more pleasant today. In fact the morning was quite overcast (perfect for tennis) with a few sprinkles of rain. The afternoon was sunny but didn't get above 25C and no humidity. I had the windows open overnight and the house cooled to 19C.
After getting back from tennis I cut the front grass - first time in a couple of weeks. There are lots of brown patches so I had to pull up weeds - they seem to survive the dry weather better than the grass. However, it does look better and should green up quickly now that we have had some rain and cooler temperatures.
I defrosted some shrimp tonight and had them with some bruschetta and a glass of wine. I won't cook anything else but just heat up yesterday's cauliflower casserole. It turned out really well with the addition of some kale, lots of cheese, tomatoes sliced on top and a further topping of breadcrumbs and parmesan. I am trying to use up everything in the fridge before I grocery shop tomorrow. Hope the farmer with the fresh corn is parked on Birchmount when I go out tomorrow. His corn is so sweet and tender!