

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Getting Better

   Not so miserable today - we at least had some sun! I sat outside for a few minutes but the wind was still quite strong and cool.

   Things are beginning to appear in the garden, lots of daffodils and a few hyacinths. But the crocuses I planted with the grandkids in the fall have yet to show their faces. Did they put them in upside down?  Lots of tulips are on their way and should be open by next week if we get some warmer temperatures, and the Forsythia by the back door is in bloom.  

   Not much on the agenda this weekend except for the RSCDS dance and AGM tonight. I shopped, did laundry and reviewed the dances for tonight but won't have any dinner (bar a few snacks and a drink) before I go out. There's always lots of food at the break.

   Tennis starts next week - can't wait! I am playing indoors with Hendrina and her friends on Tuesday so will get a chance to see if I can still hit the ball after a winter of idleness. However, so far the weather has not been conducive for outdoor games. Here's a warmer picture to cheer us up!

The birds on Fisherman's Island near Olhao, Portugal where we stopped for lunch. They were after the fish scraps the fisherman were dumping in the sea. Fun times! We had a great seafood meal.

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Miserable Weather

    After some truly lovely Spring weather earlier this month, it has turned nasty to end April. Lots of rain, some hail, and cold winds plus this morning there was frost on the rooftops and only zero when I got up. We haven't seen the sun all week and I have had the fire on in the evenings. Back to winter coats and gloves!

   Out for lunch (Greek chicken wrap and fries) with the Probus ladies today after a stint in the coffee shop at the Senior's Centre. This is my second lunch out this week as I was at the RWTO lunch on Tuesday. This one was much cheaper - only $12, and I have enough leftovers for supper! Tuesday's was salad, roast beef (very nice but no horseradish) and a chocolate covered cheese cake to die for! I didn't need any supper that night.

   On Tuesday we had Terry Fallis as our speaker. He's the author of many humorous books, the last one being "No Relation" which we read at my book club earlier this year. He was very amusing and kept us in stitches for an hour.

   Got my tax return completed yesterday despite several gaffs and redoings. Although I was required to pay two instalments of tax during the year I still owe them some more money which will clean me out for this month. Luckily my pension arrives before the cheque will be cashed! Converting my RRSP to a RRIF (which I was required to do because of my age)  is what put up my income but, hopefully, I will have it all straightened out before next year's return has to be completed.

   Babysat the grandkids on Saturday (what fun) and also got to see the last episode of "Downton Abbey" which I missed while I was in Portugal. It wasn't the cliffhanger I was expecting but quite a satisfying season ender. Looking forward to the next (and last) season next January. Right now I am into the second season of "Outlander", the series based on Dianne Gabaldon's books, which I love. Rather violent but very intense!

Sunday, 19 April 2015

A Weekend at Home

   I have the fire on tonight as it is decidedly chilly. The temperature didn't get up past 12C today. Stefano is on TV frying wedges of breaded avocados in oil - looks scrumptious but a bit finicky. I love avocados but usually eat them in salads or mashed for a dip.

   A busy weekend, especially as I can now get SN1 (the tennis channel) on TV. I have been watching the tournament in Monte Carlo between shopping and chores. I was out at Markham last night to babysit the grandkids and got to see the last episode of Downton Abbey, which I missed while on vacation.

   This afternoon was the last demo practice until September. We learned or reviewed a couple of new dances. There is one more demo in June but no details yet. Too cool to work in the garden - a strong wind and not much sun. There is supposed to be rain tonight. Now Stefano is making an avocado salad with bacon! That might be one to try.

Monday, 13 April 2015

Wall-to-wall Sunshine

     We have just experienced the first truly spring-like weekend (out without a jacket yesterday) and finally things are beginning to grow. Today started off at 10C and was up to 19C by lunch time. Now it is raining and giving the garden a good soak so there should be even more new growth by tomorrow.

   I started raking the lawns yesterday but gave up after half-an-hour to bask in the sun with a cold drink. Today I was busy out and about (invited to play bridge this afternoon) but if the weather holds, I will get the rake out again tomorrow. Then it's on to fertilizing and overseeding the lawns.

    One last picture of my Portugal trip:

Spotted outside a bar in Albufeira. Not a sentiment I particularly endorse but I have to admit to indulging while on holiday!