

Friday, 18 July 2014


   Up early this morning as I wanted to get the shallots pickled before I headed out to the tennis courts. First they needed to be rinsed and dried as they had been soaking in salt overnight. Then it was a quick process of boiling up some vinegar, sugar and spices, bottling them and filling the jars with the vinegar. I was done by 8:30 a.m. but now have to wait a couple of weeks before trying them.

Two jars each of pickled onions and beetroot - should keep me going well into the fall.

     I got to tennis quite quickly as the traffic was relatively light for once or maybe because I was a little later, everyone else was already at work. I had three good sets with reasonable breaks in between but it got quite hot and humid as the morning progressed. Jasmine had organized a lunch outing so I needed a shower and fresh clothes after I got off the court. Once we had cooled off we gathered at "Joey's" for a very convivial meal - all 17 of us.  It was fun to end the morning thusly - we should do it more often!

   A light dinner tonight - fish, quinoa  and a few vegetables - and definitely no dessert!

Thursday, 17 July 2014

The Fruits of my Garden

   A lovely set of tennis at Bridlewood this morning - blue sky but not humid, very pleasant. Only 6 of us there, it seems such a waste that more people don't attend, but all the more court time for us! A father and his 3 kids arrived around 10 a.m. but we weren't using the third court anyway. It's supposed to be adults only on Thursday mornings.

   The grandkids were over for a swim yesterday and I needed the heater on all morning to get the water warm enough. The nights have been quite cool this week (lovely for sleeping) but it has meant the water is always low 70's  in the morning. Natalie doesn't mind the cool water but the boys are more picky. However, they did go in after lunch for quite a long swim. Neither Judy nor I got in, just too chilly!

   Cooking up a nice dinner - Tuscan chicken. I use chicken thighs and after browning them add onions, artichoke hearts, chick peas, sun-dried tomatoes and, for a change, a small Italian eggplant. All it requires to make it absolutely delicious is some red wine but when I don't have an open bottle I use Marsala and it's a good substitute. So that's what I did today.

   Yesterday I lifted all my shallots - I got nearly 2 lbs. They are presently soaking in salt and tomorrow I will finish pickling them. Last week I made some pickled beetroot which should last me a couple of months so I will be all set for tasty pickles well into the fall!

This year's batch of Strawberry Jam - I still have several jars of last year's to finish even though I gave some away as gifts.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Car Woes

  I can't believe I have neglected my blog for almost a week! Much has happened so I will attempt to catch up.

   Last week I decided  had better heed my mechanic's calls and take my car in for a service. Big mistake! I spent most of one day and a couple of hours on a second trip to have all the things wrong with it fixed. Plus it cost me an arm and a leg!

    On the plus side, all three days I had set up for tennis worked out and I was able to get in several sets each day. Unfortunately, Sunday was rainy but I had housework and gardening to catch upon so I had no problem filling the morning.

Not as many blossoms on this climbing rose as I cut it back severely last year - but it still is beautiful.
   This morning tennis was doubtful due to heavy rain overnight and early in the morning. Ever optimistic, I headed over to the courts and found one court dried off and almost ready for play. After a coffee we started to play although the skies were still very threatening. As the morning progressed the weather improved and by noon we were hot and sweaty (very humid conditions) and had had three good sets. This afternoon the wind became very strong while I cleaned the pool and, although the temperature was in the mid 20's it got too chilly to sit outside. I hope it improves tomorrow as Judy and the kids are coming over for a swim.
Self-seeding sweet peas come up here every year.

Friday, 4 July 2014

My Swet-smelling Garden

    On exiting my back door today I was hit by an intoxicating perfume. I traced it to a lily that had opened overnight. If you recognize it, please tell me its name. It comes up each year and quite enthralls me with its beauty and perfume. The lavender, which I severely cut back in the spring, has recovered well and is also emitting a strong perfume, especially when watered or brushed against.

I also have several herbs that smell quite strongly - rosemary, oregano and mint - but they need to be handled before their odours become evident.