

Thursday 30 March 2023

On My Bedside Table

   I picked up a couple of new reads at last weeks' Probus meeting. Now the pile by my bedside is threatening to take over. I recently finished the book for next week's book club meeting, The Shape of Family, so am ready to discuss it and return it right after. It was O.K but nothing special. I hope next month's is better. Should go and request it right away.

The rest are either mysteries or Detective stories as I am not in the mood for anything deep or thought provoking!


Wednesday 29 March 2023

Weird Weather

    I had a busy day but the weird weather only interfered with the latter half.

   Spent the morning at home but went out for a lovely buffet lunch (chicken pot pie, quiche and salads, and yummy desserts) at the seniors' centre, courtesy of our local Amica retirement home. I would love to retire there (even just for the food which was excellent) except that I heard the monthly fee is $6,000 to $7,000! Yikes!!

   The home has every amenity imaginable so everything is included and that really does mean everything. You can even book a room to entertain family. However, I would run through whatever I gained by selling my house very quickly at that rate! But it was interesting to hear how "the other half" live. The meal and presentation were followed by musical entertainment with many of the younger seniors up on the dance floor but I was too full to participate.

    After a brief stop at home for a nap, I dropped in on a friend to take care of some paperwork as we are colleagues on a couple of committees. While on my way there, and she lives quite close, a strong snow squall blew through turning everything white again and dropping the temperature several degrees. I wasn't properly dressed for this sudden change in the weather so got quite chilled.

     Soon I was on the road again and drove through the squall to our local Conference Centre for an RPW (retirement planning workshop). My days aren't usually so jam packed but I was there on behalf of our local branch of RTO (Retired Teachers of Ontario) to try to recruit new members and answer questions about our programs and activities. Another substantial buffet meal (sandwiches, wraps and salads as well as some tasty desserts and fruit) took care of dinner so now I am just having a mug of herbal tea and a couple of chocolate brownies, which fell into my purse from the buffet table, before heading for bed. I will have to pay for all this over indulgence by eating sparingly tomorrow!

Sunday 26 March 2023

The Latest Puzzle

It was sunny outside today but still a bit chilly - back to the winter coat! I had a long walk then finished my current jigsaw puzzle. 

It was 1000 pieces but not too difficult. I got it at the thrift store, they had quite a good selection so I may go back and pick up another. It took me about a week and a half, working on it sporadically.

Friday 24 March 2023

Ther Big Melt

    We are finally starting to see some green here although the overnight temperatures are mostly still below Zero. This was my back yard last week.

You can see a slight sign of melting in the centre of the pool cover.

Here is the same view today and some of the snowbanks out front where the snow from the driveway was dumped.

   By this time next week it should all be gone (fingers crossed) unless we get more of the white stuff which could well happen. After that it will take some time for the ground to dry out. However, hope springs eternal so I may be gardening again sooner rather than later!