

Saturday 23 February 2013

James Back to Normal

   After working on Thursday (hence no blog yesterday, nothing interesting to report) I had a day "off" with James. He is back to his usual busy self and we visited the Early Years play group yesterday morning. We hadn't been at all last week so it was fun to watch him checking out all the familiar toys and interacting with his peers. He is definitely one of the more outgoing kids. The Friday group is for 3 and 4 year olds only so the staff put out more interesting activities. He painted a picture using real paintbrushes. It didn't look like anything in particular but he was very proud of it.

   I could tell he was feeling better as he ate a huge (for him) lunch - a big bowl of my homemade veg. and lentil soup, two egg and cheese grilled sandwiches and two different kinds of fruit. This was basically the same as I ate! Before lunch we had watched Baby Einstein (for the umpteenth time, but it gives me a chance to make some coffee) and had scones that Judy had baked and sent with him. Then he had a great time building in the basement. I was there but doing the Sudoku so was distracted. He managed to get the table organ on the floor behind the couch and piled on it my aerobic step and one of the bins we use to store toys. Then he got inside the bin and called to me while he toppled the bin and slid out! Very hilarious!! He did this two or three times and made me watch ("One more time, Grandma"). I tested the organ this morning and, surprisingly, it still works. Not surprisingly he slept for 2 1/2 hours in the afternoon and I had to wake him before Judy arrived to take him home.

   In the evening I went to one of my Scottish Country Dancing groups. It was snowing slightly, just turning to rain, but I'm glad I went as we were learning the dances for the monthly dance in March. Only a small group, because of the weather, but at least we had enough for a set. Wayne brought Lemon Cake (very good) for tea break and gave me some of the leftovers because I praised it so much!

   Today some snow shoveling. There wasn't a great accumulation on the driveway and sidewalk, but enough to make it a hazard if it freezes overnight. I had a lucky find at the grocery store, frozen shrimp almost half price so I am adding them to some leftover pasta which, with the addition of some veggies, will make for a gourmet meal. Can't wait!

Thursday 21 February 2013


I am experimenting with inserting photos into my blog so here's one from my trip to Morocco last year. Of course, I forgot to label the photos when I got home but I think this is the entrance to the market in Marrakesch, called the Sultan's Gate. If anyone has been there and recognizes it, please let me know. It really was magnificent and was part of the city walls. The market was interesting too.
   Worked today and rewarding myself with a glass of Limoncello in front of the fire. I only work enough to pay for my trips. Bitterly cold out today (started at -12C, with the windchill, -21C) but we are promised some milder temperatures for the weekend. It is presently -5C as the sun begins to set.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

After The Storm

Took me all day to clear a path  for my car to the road. Luckily the snowplow came by and not only cleared the road but removed the windrow at the foot of my driveway! God bless you, Mr. Snowplower. You really went above and beyond! (This happened a week ago)

James is still sick so we didn't go anywhere today. He slept for three hours this morning and Judy came by with medication in her lunch hour. Luckily she works nearby. He perked up enough for a trip to the library in the afternoon but the wind was bitingly cold and brought on a coughing fit so we didn't stay out long.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

A Close Call

     Usually I have James on Mondays and Wednesdays. Today being Tuesday, I had made other plans - lunch with my retired teachers' group followed by a dance demo for said group. However,  at 8:15 I got an ominous phone call! Generally no one calls me that early in the morning. I had a nasty premonition that it would not be good news.

     Sure enough it was bad news. James was sick again and couldn't go to day care. Could he be dropped at my house? How happy I was to have made firm (and non-cancellable) plans - already paid for the lunch!  As it turned out things worked out for the best. After a visit to the doctor, Dave worked from home and James slept most of the afternoon. He will be here tomorrow, sick or well, and my only goal will be to comfort and cuddle him and keep him happy.

  The demo went well (apart for some technical problems with the sound system) and my introduction was well received. I think I even heard someone chuckle at a small joke I made. Can't think why I was so apprehensive.