One of my Bridge friends, during our Zoom chat yesterday, offered to lend me a brand new jigsaw puzzle that she got for Christmas. She has decided it is too tricky but I'm eager to give it a shot.
Off I toddled to her house (the longest trip my car has had in 9 months) to pick it up. She kindly gave me another one as well so I will be kept busy for the next week or two. I will post a pic of the new one if/when I finish it.
On the way home I stopped at the library for a book I had ordered, "The Prisoner's Wife". We are back to waiting outside the library for our holds but, fortunately, there were only 3 people ahead of me and it wasn't too cold. Now I have lots to keep me entertained.
I had a walk up to the Mall this morning, combining exercise with a couple of errands. It started to rain on the way home but I was well protected. The rain is on top of a couple of inches of snow that fell overnight so we are likely to have icy conditions if the temperature drops below freezing tonight. Tomorrow I will stay indoors!