

Friday 12 July 2024

Strawberry Social

    It was all white on the courts today as we celebrated Wimbledon with a strawberry social. It was hot again and, after a couple of sets of tennis,  we were happy to adjourn to the clubhouse for a special treat provided by some of our members.

   First we got a plate of strawberries and cream on scones or shortcake and were able to add other treats - watermelon slices (so refreshing), chocolate eclairs and ice cream cones. This has become a regular event and is very popular, as you can imagine. Who doesn't like the summer freshness of strawberries and cream? 

   The Mens semi-finals at Wimbledon were on the TV but not too many were interested, preferring to socialize with new and old friends. After all, isn't this what retirement is all about?

Friday 5 July 2024

The End of the Strawberries

   Hot and humid again. I went to tennis early (as did many others) but by 10:15 I was done. A few managed to hang on until noon but I spent the rest of the morning in the clubhouse watching Wimbledon or chatting to other dropouts!

   It was a two swim day, first when I got home from the tennis courts and again after doing some gardening. By then it had clouded over enough to be able to stay outside but it was still pretty humid so I was quite sweaty. The rhyme says that "Horses sweat, men perspire and women gently glow" but I was definitely sweating!

   I used up the last of the strawberries in a crumble with more rhubarb and will have that for dessert over the next couple of days. It's really too hot to have the oven on but needs must!

Thursday 4 July 2024

Strawberry Fields For Ever

    Hot and humid today. I was out early on a hunt for strawberries but I had missed the "pick-your-own" season by a couple of weeks. Don't know where my head was!

   I found a farmer's market that had flats of 6 punnets, local berries but much more than I would have paid to pick them myself. I figure I paid $14 for the luxury of not having to bend over the plants and grovel for berries. Also, quite a few were spoiled whereas when you pick yourself you make sure you only take the perfect berries!

   I made two batches of jam and have quite a few berries left for eating. The second batch was half rhubarb which I have an abundance of at the moment. Adding in the sugar I used, I figure each jar cost about $2.50, a bit less than buying at the store. I had a few left from last year so will have more than enough to use myself and give away as hostess gifts. My friends really like my homemade jam! 

Monday 1 July 2024

Canada Day

   There was lots of red and white on the tennis courts this morning for our Canada Day social (free if you wore red and white, the colours of our flag; actually the socials are free for all adult members anyway but everyone got in the swim of things by dressing the part!). The weather cooperated, being sunny but not too hot and I was able to play three short sets before lunch.  

   Lunch was BBQ chicken skewers with a couple of salads, the easy option when you are feeding around 50 or 60 people. It was a great turnout, with a lucky draw after lunch so everyone went home happy. There was a massive chocolate cake with the flag featuring prominently and we all sang the national anthem with gusto before returning to the courts.  However, I called it a day at that point, having socialized enough and headed home for a nap (this is getting to be my reality these days). A bit of gardening this afternoon and a couple of swims then a light dinner and that's my Canada Day!