

Thursday 4 July 2024

Strawberry Fields For Ever

    Hot and humid today. I was out early on a hunt for strawberries but I had missed the "pick-your-own" season by a couple of weeks. Don't know where my head was!

   I found a farmer's market that had flats of 6 punnets, local berries but much more than I would have paid to pick them myself. I figure I paid $14 for the luxury of not having to bend over the plants and grovel for berries. Also, quite a few were spoiled whereas when you pick yourself you make sure you only take the perfect berries!

   I made two batches of jam and have quite a few berries left for eating. The second batch was half rhubarb which I have an abundance of at the moment. Adding in the sugar I used, I figure each jar cost about $2.50, a bit less than buying at the store. I had a few left from last year so will have more than enough to use myself and give away as hostess gifts. My friends really like my homemade jam! 

Monday 1 July 2024

Canada Day

   There was lots of red and white on the tennis courts this morning for our Canada Day social (free if you wore red and white, the colours of our flag; actually the socials are free for all adult members anyway but everyone got in the swim of things by dressing the part!). The weather cooperated, being sunny but not too hot and I was able to play three short sets before lunch.  

   Lunch was BBQ chicken skewers with a couple of salads, the easy option when you are feeding around 50 or 60 people. It was a great turnout, with a lucky draw after lunch so everyone went home happy. There was a massive chocolate cake with the flag featuring prominently and we all sang the national anthem with gusto before returning to the courts.  However, I called it a day at that point, having socialized enough and headed home for a nap (this is getting to be my reality these days). A bit of gardening this afternoon and a couple of swims then a light dinner and that's my Canada Day! 

Saturday 29 June 2024


  Dinner out with the family yesterday to celebrate the two graduates. I had Fish and Chips with a (very small) helping of coleslaw. But the fish was tender with a delicious beer batter.

 Oldest grandson is off to Quebec on Monday for a month of intense French instruction. He got a bursary to attend a college there so hope he can cope with not speaking English for a month! Although he won't be fluent, it's always something useful to have on his resume.

  It rained heavily all morning but stopped around noon so I got my walk in. The garden was grateful for a good soaking and I only had to water the plants on the porch. After lunch I slept for what seemed like ages (all that fresh air) so may have trouble sleeping tonight. A light dinner tonight, a shrimp and avocado salad, then some TV. Looking forward to Wimbledon starting next week, some Canadians have made it into the main draw.

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Grand River Cruise

    The Grand River flows 500 kms. through Southern Ontario before emptying into Lake Erie near Port Dover. Today a busload of retirees arrived in Brant County, Ontario to embark on a cruise of a 20 km. section of the river and enjoy lunch aboard the boat.

   Our first stop after leaving the city was Caledonia where the boats are based. After a snack of coffee and pastries we were entertained by a fabulous musical show by the Blazing Fiddles, and they did not disappoint. High energy and dynamic, they soon had us cheering, clapping along to the music and joining in singing old time favourites. The group got a standing ovation at the end of the show and it was definitely well deserved. 

   Right on time we boarded the boat and were soon tucking into lunch, green salad, roast beef and strawberry shortcake. While we were eating the captain regaled us with a commentary of the passing sites. We sailed upriver as far as Brantford before turning around to head back to base. All in all, the cruise lasted 2 1/2 hours and, although it wasn't very sunny, it was mild and pleasant to sit and watch the activity on the banks on either side. Back on land we had time to browse in the gift shop and check out the Blazing Fiddles CD's. 

   Soon it was time to head back to the city and that's when the heavens opened so it was a relief to stay dry and have the bus driver navigate the highway in pouring rain. I have to admit to dozing off on the drive home, probably the result of the glass (or two) of Pinot Grigio I had with lunch. Back home I only needed a small snack for dinner and I think it will be an early night! Sorry, no photos, as I am still without a camera but I am hopeful my finances will allow me to purchase one for my next excursion.