I was going to write more about my garden but we had a massive storm a few hours ago so that takes precedence. First I heard was an emergency "Take cover" message on my phone. Then the sky got really dark and the winds whipped up. The rain was torrential for a while. It was pretty spectacular!
Everyone was out on the street after it passed over assessing the damage. One neighbour had a tree come down on his garage roof which is quite damaged. Another couple of houses lost part of their roofing. I got a small scratch on my car from flying debris but think I got off easy. I will have my handyman check my roof to make sure it is still intact.
Before the storm I took this photo of a corner of my garden. It seems to have survived untouched, thank goodness!
Bleeding Hearts and Violets look nice together. They have both spread from the original plants and come up faithfully every year.