

Thursday, 26 May 2022

A Possible Replacement

    My last remaining Wiegela bush (there were three) is in full bloom this week and I am considering it as a replacement for the Spruce. It's fairly tidy and will grow about 6 feet tall so would fill the space nicely, given a few years. 

   The two I lost had a deeper red blossom so maybe I will go with that this time.

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

The Stump

    Well, it's gone and all that's left is the stump and a ton of cones and sawdust. The logs were put out at the curb and were gone by this afternoon. The rest of the debris which wasn't carted away by the tree guys will be picked up (I hope) by the garden refuse collectors There are 6 bags! They are supposed to come today but haven't been yet due, I think, to all the trees that came down in last Saturday's storm. I passed one today that was spread over two front lawns. It was huge!

   Here is all that remains of the Norway Spruce. You can see how it had outgrown the small space it was planted in. Now I need to decide what to put there to hide the composter.

Tuesday, 24 May 2022

Today the Tree Came Down

    After waiting weeks for the permit, the time has come for the Norway Spruce in my back yard to be brought down. I forgot to take a "before" photo but here is the progress so far.

   This is the long-awaited permit which has to be displayed prominently.

You can see Jay standing on one of the lower branches which he left as he worked up the tree.

Now he is approaching the summit. I had to leave at this point as it was beginning to look dangerous!

When I returned a couple of hours later the worst was over. They are still working on it (7:00 p.m.) and I think they will have to come back tomorrow to finish up. The mess is incredible, pine cones everywhere! I am so glad I waited until it was done to take the cover off the pool. Hopefully in the next day or two I will be able to post a photo of my reclaimed back yard.

Saturday, 21 May 2022

Was it a Tornado?

    I was going to write more about my garden but we had a massive storm a few hours ago so that takes precedence. First I heard was an emergency "Take cover" message on my phone. Then the sky got really dark and the winds whipped up. The rain was torrential for a while. It was pretty spectacular!

   Everyone was out on the street after it passed over assessing the damage. One neighbour had a tree come down on his garage roof which is quite damaged. Another couple of houses lost part of their roofing. I got a small scratch on my car from flying debris but think I got off easy. I will have my handyman check my roof to make sure it is still intact.

   Before the storm I took this photo of a corner of my garden. It seems to have survived untouched, thank goodness!

     Bleeding Hearts and Violets look nice together. They have both spread from the original plants and come up faithfully every year.