

Monday, 13 September 2021

A New Week

   Tennis Grand Slams over for another year. The finals at the U.S. Open were both exciting matches but neither had predictable results. All players excelled themselves though. Now what will I do for entertainment?

   Today has been quiet as Mondays usually are. I didn't accomplish much but did walk down to the local polling station to cast my vote in the advanced poll. It was held at the Seniors Centre where I play Bridge, attend exercise classes and volunteer in the kitchen and, good news, they may be opening for "in person" activities later this month. Can't wait, I have really missed my Bridge group. Hope I remember how to play!

The last tomatoes - I pulled up the plants today. Strangely, for the first time in forever, I won't have any green tomatoes to ripen indoors.

This afternoon in the kitchen - bread just needs a final bake and Eggplant Parmigiana waiting to go in the oven next.


Thursday, 9 September 2021

Thunder and Lightning

    Don't know if I mentioned the big storm we had a couple of nights ago - trees down, power outages etc., but I just got some water in my basement that necessitated much sponging and mopping. I will have to have someone come and fix that REAL soon!

   As a result of all the rain I have been gung-ho to pull up all the weeds in between the driveway and the sidewalk. They came out a treat and the area got a good spray of "Weed Begone". This is something that needs to be done before winter as it makes shoveling the driveway so much easier if they are not there. Hopefully that is it now taken care of.

    The storm, unfortunately, brought down most of my gigantic sunflowers and some devious animal(s) had a field day feasting on the seeds. So that left a mess to be cleared up. I think it was probably raccoons, although the squirrels may have joined in. Either way, they had a real party. The remains are now in the composter but I wouldn't be surprised if that got raided too.  

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

A New Author to me, that is.   It's Alex Michaelides, whose latest book, "The Maidens", I have just finished. It's a thriller/mystery with a very creepy component. If that is a type of story that appeals, give it a try. I have requested his earlier book, "The Silent Patient" which I'm sure will be equally compelling. Can't wait to get it!

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

A Final Summer Long Weekend

    Labour Day yesterday - as far as I was concerned it was just my usual Monday. In the past (before COVID) there would have been a social at the tennis club and a barbecue lunch, but that has gone by the wayside for the last two summers, along with the Victoria Day, Canada Day and Thanksgiving socials.

    However, I have been engrossed with the U.S. Open tournament in which Canadians have been doing pretty well and there have been some spectacular matches. Today I spent a tense 2 hours watching Leylah Fernandez make her way into the semi-finals. She has just turned 19 and is one of three teenagers into the quarter finals. If she goes no further she will have covered herself with glory, without a doubt. Another Canadian is playing tonight to move into the next round but it will be a nail-biter, for sure!

    I had to have minor surgery on my outer ear this morning for a growth and it is throbbing a bit, nothing that a glass of wine won't put right. I don't have any tennis until Thursday so, hopefully, by then it will be a thing of the past. I will go back in two weeks so the doctor can check that it is all gone. Fingers crossed!