

Friday, 10 April 2020

Needs Must

   Cold and windy again today but I had my daily constitutional despite almost being blown off my feet. Phoned a couple of elderly friends to make sure they were still alive and kicking (they were) and continued with my book and puzzle. 

   Only two things to remark on today - a batch of cauliflower soup (some for tomorrow and the rest for the freezer) and a batch of sour dough starter. It is made with milk and yogurt which is allowed to fermet and then flour is added. Then after you use some, you add more flour and water ad infinitum. Hope it works out.

    I was reminded of this with an entertaining Stuart McLean story on CBC and found I had a recipe, so it is currently fermenting in a warm place. Tomorrow I will add flour and refrigerate the mixture for a couple of days, then try it in a loaf. I have run out of yeast and there was none in the grocery store so this will be a useful substitute.

Thursday, 9 April 2020

Highlight of the Week

   Today started out cold, damp and miserable (to match my mood), but by the afternoon the skies had cleared. However, it was blowing a hoolie! I managed a walk but I was back in my winter coat with gloves and earmuffs.

   I headed out early for my weekly trip to the grocery store. They had Senior's hour in place although I nearly missed it - it's from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00. I wore a different (homemade) mask today but although it was better, I still felt suffocated. I don't know how essential workers wear one all day. They are heroes !

   One jigsaw puzzle finished and another one started. Also, I am on my last book. Daughter has offered to drop off a couple on Sunday when we get together for Easter. They are bringing me dinner and we will exchange goodie bags on the front porch, keeping an appropriate distance, of course!

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Signs of Life

   Just a quick post as it's already 7:00 p.m. and I haven't eaten dinner yet.

   A gorgeous day today - I was out gardening without a jacket or sweater. In fact, I think I may have got a touch of the sun as my face feels quite hot.  My afternoon walk also contributed to that as I walked for almost an hour. Very pleased with myself!

The first rhubarb plant to put in an appearance.

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Wearing a Mask

  We have now been told that everyone should wear a face mask when shopping, although you can take your daily walk without one and just keep your distance from other walkers. I rarely meet anyone on my walks.

   I made myself a mask and used it today when I went to the drug store. Even though I only wore it for the ten minutes I was in the store, it was a very unpleasant experience as I almost suffocated, so that is not going to happen again. I will just fasten a bandana over my mouth and nose next time I am in public.

   I have settled into a routine that is helping the days go by. Here's how my days go at the moment. Get up around 8:00 and read the newspaper. Do my one hour exercise class. Eat breakfast around 9:30 and clean up the kitchen. Do any chores/gardening until lunch (1:00). Nap until 2:30, sometimes I just read in bed. Go for my daily walk. Read or do my jigsaw puzzle until the sun is over the yardarm (5:00). Check my blogs, e-mail and Facebook while I have an aperitif, or get on the phone with friends until dinner time (7:00). Watch TV and bed. The highlight of my week is grocery shopping which I am doing early on Thursday mornings at the moment.

   It was lovely in the garden today so I picked these:

 I also made a loaf in the bread machine and it turned out well. Won't need to buy bread any time soon!